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CLI Reference (delete)

All delete commands.

cctl delete

delete ressources


cctl delete [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
-e, --engine text N/A None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete attachment

Delete Removes an attachment from a task by id. URL: /task/{id}/attachment/{attachmentId} Schema: -


cctl delete attachment [OPTIONS] ATTACHMENTID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete authorization

Delete Authorization Deletes an authorization by id. URL: /authorization/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete authorization [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete batch

Delete Deletes a batch by id, including all related jobs and job definitions. Optionally also deletes the batch history. URL: /batch/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete batch [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--cascade / --not-cascade boolean true, if the historic batch and historic job logs for this batch should also be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete clearIncidentAnnotation

Clear Incident Annotation Clears the annotation of an incident with given id. URL: /incident/{id}/annotation Schema: -


cctl delete clearIncidentAnnotation [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete deployment

Delete Deletes a deployment by id. URL: /deployment/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete deployment [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--skip-io-mappings / --not-skip-io-mappings boolean true, if all input/output mappings should not be invoked. None
--skip-custom-listeners / --not-skip-custom-listeners boolean true, if only the built-in ExecutionListeners should be notified with the end event. None
--cascade / --not-cascade boolean true, if all process instances, historic process instances and jobs for this deployment
should be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete filter

Delete Filter Deletes a filter by id. URL: /filter/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete filter [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete group

Delete Group Deletes a group by id. URL: /group/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete group [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete groupMember

Delete a Group Member Removes a member from a group. URL: /group/{id}/members/{userId} Schema: -


cctl delete groupMember [OPTIONS] USERID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete groupMembership

Create Tenant Group Membership Creates a membership between a tenant and a group. URL: /tenant/{id}/group-members/{groupId} Schema: -


cctl delete groupMembership [OPTIONS] GROUPID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete historicBatch

Delete Historic Batch Deletes a historic batch by id, including related historic job logs. URL: /history/batch/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete historicBatch [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete historicProcessInstance

Delete Deletes a process instance from the history by id. URL: /history/process-instance/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete historicProcessInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--fail-if-not-exists / --not-fail-if-not-exists boolean If set to false, the request will still be successful if the process id is not found. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete historicVariableInstance

Delete Variable Instance Deletes a historic variable instance by id. URL: /history/variable-instance/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete historicVariableInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete historicVariableInstancesOfHistoricProcessInstance

Delete Variable Instances Deletes all variables of a process instance from the history by id. URL: /history/process-instance/{id}/variable-instances Schema: -


cctl delete historicVariableInstancesOfHistoricProcessInstance 


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete incident

Resolve Incident Resolves an incident with given id. URL: /incident/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete incident [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete localExecutionVariable

Delete Local Execution Variable Deletes a variable in the context of a given execution by id. Deletion does not propagate upwards in the execution hierarchy. URL: /execution/{id}/localVariables/{varName} Schema: -


cctl delete localExecutionVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete processDefinition

Delete Deletes a running process instance by id. URL: /process-definition/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete processDefinition [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--skip-io-mappings / --not-skip-io-mappings boolean A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during deletion.
true, if input/output mappings should not be invoked. None
--skip-custom-listeners / --not-skip-custom-listeners boolean true, if only the built-in ExecutionListeners should be notified with the end event. None
--cascade / --not-cascade boolean true, if all process instances, historic process instances and jobs
for this process definition should be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete processDefinitionsByKey

Delete By Key Deletes process definitions by a given key which belong to no tenant id. URL: /process-definition/key/{key} Schema: -


cctl delete processDefinitionsByKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--skip-io-mappings / --not-skip-io-mappings boolean A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during deletion.
true, if input/output mappings should not be invoked. None
--skip-custom-listeners / --not-skip-custom-listeners boolean true, if only the built-in ExecutionListeners should be notified with the end event. None
--cascade / --not-cascade boolean true, if all process instances, historic process instances and jobs
for this process definition should be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete processDefinitionsByKeyAndTenantId

Delete By Key Deletes process definitions by a given key and which belong to a tenant id. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id} Schema: -


cctl delete processDefinitionsByKeyAndTenantId [OPTIONS] TENANT_ID KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--skip-io-mappings / --not-skip-io-mappings boolean A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during deletion.
true, if input/output mappings should not be invoked. None
--skip-custom-listeners / --not-skip-custom-listeners boolean true, if only the built-in ExecutionListeners should be notified with the end event. None
--cascade / --not-cascade boolean true, if all process instances, historic process instances and jobs
for this process definition should be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete processInstance

Delete Deletes a running process instance by id. URL: /process-instance/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete processInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--fail-if-not-exists / --not-fail-if-not-exists boolean If set to false, the request will still be successful if the process id is not found. None
--skip-subprocesses / --not-skip-subprocesses boolean If set to true, subprocesses related to deleted processes will be skipped. None
--skip-io-mappings / --not-skip-io-mappings boolean If set to true, the input/output mappings will be skipped. None
--skip-custom-listeners / --not-skip-custom-listeners boolean If set to true, the custom listeners will be skipped. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete processInstanceVariable

Delete Process Variable Deletes a variable of a process instance by id. URL: /process-instance/{id}/variables/{varName} Schema: -


cctl delete processInstanceVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete task

Delete Removes a task by id. URL: /task/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete task [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete taskLocalVariable

Delete Local Task Variable Removes a local variable from a task by id. URL: /task/{id}/localVariables/{varName} Schema: -


cctl delete taskLocalVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete taskMetrics

Delete Task Worker Metrics Deletes all task worker metrics prior to the given date or all if no date is provided. URL: /metrics/task-worker Schema: -


cctl delete taskMetrics [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--date text The date prior to which all task worker metrics should be deleted. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete taskVariable

Delete Task Variable Removes a variable that is visible to a task. A variable is visible to a task if it is a local task variable or declared in a parent scope of the task. See documentation on visiblity of variables. URL: /task/{id}/variables/{varName} Schema: -


cctl delete taskVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete tenant

Delete Tenant Deletes a tenant by id. URL: /tenant/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete tenant [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete user

Delete Deletes a user by id. URL: /user/{id} Schema: -


cctl delete user [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl delete userMembership

Delete a Tenant User Membership Deletes a membership between a tenant and an user. URL: /tenant/{id}/user-members/{userId} Schema: -


cctl delete userMembership [OPTIONS] USERID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False