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CLI Reference (apply)

All apply commands.

cctl apply

apply changes to the engine


cctl apply [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
-e, --engine text N/A None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply addAttachment

Create Creates an attachment for a task. URL: /task/{id}/attachment/create Schema: -


cctl apply addAttachment [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

Add Adds an identity link to a task by id. Can be used to link any user or group to a task and specify a relation. URL: /task/{id}/identity-links Schema: {'type': 'object', 'required': ['type'], 'properties': {'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user participating in this link. EitheruserIdorgroupIdis set.'}, 'groupId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group participating in this link. EithergroupIdoruserIdis set.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The type of the identity link. The value of the this property can be user-defined. The Process Engine\nprovides three pre-defined Identity Linktypes:\n\n*candidate\n*assignee- reserved for the task assignee\n*owner- reserved for the task owner\n\n**Note**: When adding or removing an Identity Link, thetypeproperty must be defined.'}}}


cctl apply addIdentityLink [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply annotationUserOperationLog

Set Annotation to an User Operation Log (Historic) Set an annotation for auditing reasons. URL: /history/user-operation/{operationId}/set-annotation Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The annotation value to put.'}}}


cctl apply annotationUserOperationLog [OPTIONS] OPERATIONID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply assignee

Set Assignee Changes the assignee of a task to a specific user.

Note: The difference with the Claim Task method is that this method does not check if the task already has a user assigned to it. URL: /task/{id}/assignee Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user that the current action refers to.'}}}


cctl apply assignee [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply async

Delete Async (POST) Delete multiple historic decision instances asynchronously (batch). At least historicDecisionInstanceIds or historicDecisionInstanceQuery has to be provided. If both are provided then all instances matching query criterion and instances from the list will be deleted. URL: /history/decision-instance/delete Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historicDecisionInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of historic decision instance ids to delete.'}, 'historicDecisionInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricDecisionInstanceQueryDto'}, 'deleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A string with delete reason.'}}}


cctl apply async [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply asyncHistoricQueryBased

Delete Async Historic Query Based (POST) Deletes a set of process instances asynchronously (batch) based on a historic process instance query. URL: /process-instance/delete-historic-query-based Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list process instance ids to delete.'}, 'deleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A string with delete reason.'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'skipSubprocesses': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip deletion of the subprocesses related to deleted processes as part of this request.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply asyncHistoricQueryBased [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply authorization

Update an Authorization Updates an authorization by id. URL: /authorization/{id} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'permissions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of Strings holding the permissions provided by this authorization.'}, 'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user this authorization has been created for. The value\nrepresents a global authorization ranging over all users.'}, 'groupId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group this authorization has been created for.'}, 'resourceType': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An integer representing the resource type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor a list of integer representations of resource types.'}, 'resourceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The resource Id. The valuerepresents an authorization ranging over all\ninstances of a resource.'}}}


cctl apply authorization [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply batchSuspensionState

Activate/Suspend Activates or suspends a batch by id. URL: /batch/{id}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A Boolean value which indicates whether to activate or suspend a given instance \n(e.g. process instance, job, job definition, or batch). When the value is set to true, \nthe given instance will be suspended and when the value is set to false, \nthe given instance will be activated.'}}}


cctl apply batchSuspensionState [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply binaryTaskLocalVariable

Update Local Task Variable (Binary) Sets the serialized value for a binary variable or the binary value for a file variable. URL: /task/{id}/localVariables/{varName}/data Schema: -


cctl apply binaryTaskLocalVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply binaryTaskVariable

Update Task Variable (Binary) Sets the serialized value for a binary variable or the binary value for a file variable visible from the task. A variable is visible from the task if it is a local task variable or declared in a parent scope of the task. See documentation on visiblity of variables. URL: /task/{id}/variables/{varName}/data Schema: -


cctl apply binaryTaskVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply checkPassword

Validate Password A password policy consists of a list of rules that new passwords must follow to be policy compliant. A password can be checked for compliancy via this end point. More information on password policies in Camunda can be found in the password policy user guide and in the security instructions. URL: /identity/password-policy Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'password': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The candidate password to be check against the password policy.'}, 'profile': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/UserProfileDto'}}}


cctl apply checkPassword [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply claim

Claim Claims a task for a specific user.

Note: The difference with the Set Assignee method is that here a check is performed to see if the task already has a user assigned to it. URL: /task/{id}/claim Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user that the current action refers to.'}}}


cctl apply claim [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply cleanupAsync

Clean up history (POST) Schedules asynchronous history cleanup (See History cleanup).

Note: This endpoint will return at most a single history cleanup job. Since version 7.9.0 it is possible to configure multiple parallel history cleanup jobs. Use GET /history/cleanup/jobs to find all the available history cleanup jobs. URL: /history/cleanup Schema: -


cctl apply cleanupAsync [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--immediately-due / --not-immediately-due boolean When true the job will be scheduled for nearest future. When false, the job will be
scheduled for next batch window start time. Default is true. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply clearAnnotationUserOperationLog

Clear Annotation of an User Operation Log (Historic) Clear the annotation which was previously set for auditing reasons. URL: /history/user-operation/{operationId}/clear-annotation Schema: -


cctl apply clearAnnotationUserOperationLog [OPTIONS] OPERATIONID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply complete

Complete Completes a task and updates process variables. URL: /task/{id}/complete Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': "Indicates whether the response should contain the process variables or not. The\ndefault isfalsewith a response code of204. If set totruethe response\ncontains the process variables and has a response code of200. If the task is not\nassociated with a process instance (e.g. if it's part of a case instance) no\nvariables will be returned."}}}


cctl apply complete [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply completeExternalTaskResource

Complete Completes an external task by id and updates process variables. URL: /external-task/{id}/complete Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties:'}, 'localVariables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing local variable key-value pairs. Local variables are set only in the scope of external task. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties:'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HandleExternalTaskDto'}]}


cctl apply completeExternalTaskResource [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply configureTelemetry

Configure Telemetry Configures whether Camunda receives data collection of the process engine setup and usage. URL: /telemetry/configuration Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'enableTelemetry': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Specifies if the telemetry data should be sent or not.'}}}


cctl apply configureTelemetry [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply correlateMessageAsyncOperation

Correlate Message Async (POST) Correlates a message asynchronously to executions that are waiting for this message. Messages will not be correlated to process definition-level start message events to start process instances. URL: /process-instance/message-async Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'messageName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The name of the message to correlate. Corresponds to the 'name' element of the message defined in BPMN 2.0 XML. Can be null to correlate by other criteria only."}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids that define a group of process instances\nto which the operation will correlate a message.\n\nPlease note that ifprocessInstanceIds,processInstanceQueryandhistoricProcessInstanceQuery\nare defined, the resulting operation will be performed on the union of these sets.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'All variables the operation will set in the root scope of the process instances the message is correlated to.'}}}


cctl apply correlateMessageAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createAuthorization

Create a New Authorization Creates a new authorization. URL: /authorization/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'type': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The type of the authorization (0=global, 1=grant, 2=revoke). See the\n[User Guide](\nfor more information about authorization types.'}, 'permissions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of Strings holding the permissions provided by this authorization.'}, 'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user this authorization has been created for. The value\nrepresents a global authorization ranging over all users.'}, 'groupId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group this authorization has been created for.'}, 'resourceType': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An integer representing the resource type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor a list of integer representations of resource types.'}, 'resourceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The resource Id. The valuerepresents an authorization ranging over all\ninstances of a resource.'}}}


cctl apply createAuthorization [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createComment

Create Creates a comment for a task by id. URL: /task/{id}/comment/create Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the task comment.'}, 'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user who created the comment.'}, 'taskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the task to which the comment belongs.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process instance the comment is related to.'}, 'time': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The time when the comment was created.\n[Default format]($(docsUrl)/reference/rest/overview/date-format/)\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'message': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The content of the comment.'}, 'removalTime': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The time after which the comment should be removed by the History Cleanup job.\n[Default format]($(docsUrl)/reference/rest/overview/date-format/)\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'rootProcessInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process instance id of the root process instance that initiated the process\ncontaining the task.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/LinkableDto'}]}


cctl apply createComment [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createDeployment

Create Creates a deployment.

Security Consideration

Deployments can contain custom code in form of scripts or EL expressions to customize process behavior. This may be abused for remote execution of arbitrary code. URL: /deployment/create Schema: -


cctl apply createDeployment [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createFilter

Create Filter Creates a new filter. URL: /filter/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'resourceType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The resource type of the filter.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the filter.'}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The user id of the owner of the filter.'}, 'query': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'The query of the filter as a JSON object.'}, 'properties': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'The properties of a filter as a JSON object.'}}}


cctl apply createFilter [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createGroup

Create Group Creates a new group. URL: /group/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the group.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The type of the group.'}}}


cctl apply createGroup [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createGroupMember

Create Group Member Adds a member to a group. URL: /group/{id}/members/{userId} Schema: -


cctl apply createGroupMember [OPTIONS] USERID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createGroupMembership

Create Tenant Group Membership Creates a membership between a tenant and a group. URL: /tenant/{id}/group-members/{groupId} Schema: -


cctl apply createGroupMembership [OPTIONS] GROUPID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createIncident

Create Incident Creates a custom incident with given properties. URL: /execution/{id}/create-incident Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A type of the new incident.'}, 'configuration': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A configuration for the new incident.'}, 'message': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A message for the new incident.'}}}


cctl apply createIncident [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createTask

Create Creates a new task. URL: /task/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The task id.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The task name.'}, 'assignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The assignee's id."}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The owner's id."}, 'created': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date the task was created on.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'due': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's due date.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'followUp': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The follow-up date for the task.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'delegationState': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['PENDING', 'RESOLVED'], 'description': "The task's delegation state. Possible values arePENDINGandRESOLVED."}, 'description': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's description."}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the execution the task belongs to.'}, 'parentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id the parent task, if this task is a subtask.'}, 'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's priority."}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definition the task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process instance the task belongs to.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case execution the task belongs to.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case definition the task belongs to.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case instance the task belongs to.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's key."}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Whether the task belongs to a process instance that is suspended.'}, 'formKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If notnull, the form key for the task.'}, 'camundaFormRef': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/CamundaFormRef'}, 'description': 'A reference to a specific version of a Camunda Form.'}, 'tenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If notnull, the tenant id of the task.'}}}


cctl apply createTask [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createTenant

Create Tenant Create a new tenant. URL: /tenant/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the tenant.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the tenant.'}}}


cctl apply createTenant [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createUser

Create Create a new user. URL: /user/create Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'profile': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/UserProfileDto'}, 'credentials': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/UserCredentialsDto'}}}


cctl apply createUser [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply createUserMembership

Create Tenant User Membership Creates a membership between a tenant and an user. URL: /tenant/{id}/user-members/{userId} Schema: -


cctl apply createUserMembership [OPTIONS] USERID ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply credentials

Update Credentials Updates a user's credentials (password) URL: /user/{id}/credentials Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'password': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The users new password.'}, 'authenticatedUserPassword': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The password of the authenticated user who changes the password of the user\n(i.e., the user with passed id as path parameter).'}}}


cctl apply credentials [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply delegateTask

Delegate Delegates a task to another user. URL: /task/{id}/delegate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user that the current action refers to.'}}}


cctl apply delegateTask [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply deliverMessage

Correlate Correlates a message to the process engine to either trigger a message start event or an intermediate message catching event. Internally this maps to the engine's message correlation builder methods MessageCorrelationBuilder#correlateWithResult() and MessageCorrelationBuilder#correlateAllWithResult(). For more information about the correlation behavior, see the Message Events section of the BPMN 2.0 Implementation Reference. URL: /message Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'messageName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the message to deliver.'}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used for correlation of process instances that wait for incoming messages.\nWill only correlate to executions that belong to a process instance with the provided business key.'}, 'tenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used to correlate the message for a tenant with the given id.\nWill only correlate to executions and process definitions which belong to the tenant.\nMust not be supplied in conjunction with awithoutTenantId.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should only be correlated to executions\nand process definitions which belong to no tenant or not. Value may only betrue, asfalse\nis the default behavior.\nMust not be supplied in conjunction with atenantId.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used to correlate the message to the process instance with the given id.'}, 'correlationKeys': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'Used for correlation of process instances that wait for incoming messages.\nHas to be a JSON object containing key-value pairs that are matched against process instance variables\nduring correlation. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the\nfollowing properties.'}, 'localCorrelationKeys': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'Local variables used for correlation of executions (process instances) that wait for incoming messages.\nHas to be a JSON object containing key-value pairs that are matched against local variables during correlation.\nEach key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A map of variables that is injected into the triggered execution or process instance after the message\nhas been delivered. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with\nthe following properties.'}, 'processVariablesLocal': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A map of local variables that is injected into the triggered execution or process instance after the\nmessage has been delivered. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object\nwith the following properties.'}, 'all': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should be correlated to exactly one entity or multiple entities.\nIf the value is set tofalse, the message will be correlated to exactly one entity (execution or process definition).\nIf the value is set totrue, the message will be correlated to multiple executions and a process definition that\ncan be instantiated by this message in one go.'}, 'resultEnabled': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'A Boolean value that indicates whether the result of the correlation should be returned or not.\nIf this property is set totrue, there will be returned a list of message correlation result objects. Depending on the\nall property, there will be either one ore more returned results in the list.\n\nThe default value isfalse, which means no result will be returned.'}, 'variablesInResultEnabled': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'A Boolean value that indicates whether the result of the correlation should contain process variables or not.\nThe parameter resultEnabled should be set totruein order to use this it.\n\nThe default value isfalse, which means the variables will not be returned.'}}}


cctl apply deliverMessage [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply evaluateCondition

Evaluate Triggers evaluation of conditions for conditional start event(s). Internally this maps to the engines condition evaluation builder method ConditionEvaluationBuilder#evaluateStartConditions(). For more information see the Conditional Start Events section of the BPMN 2.0 Implementation Reference. URL: /condition Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A map of variables which are used for evaluation of the conditions and are injected into the process instances which have been triggered.\nEach key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties.'}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used for the process instances that have been triggered after the evaluation.'}, 'tenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used to evaluate a condition for a tenant with the given id.\nWill only evaluate conditions of process definitions which belong to the tenant.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A Boolean value that indicates whether the conditions should only be evaluated of process definitions which belong to no tenant or not.\nValue may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Used to evaluate conditions of the process definition with the given id.'}}}


cctl apply evaluateCondition [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply evaluateDecisionById

Evaluate By Id Evaluates a given decision and returns the result. The input values of the decision have to be supplied in the request body. URL: /decision-definition/{id}/evaluate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}}}


cctl apply evaluateDecisionById [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply evaluateDecisionByKey

Evaluate By Key Evaluates the latest version of the decision definition which belongs to no tenant. The input values of the decision have to be supplied in the request body. URL: /decision-definition/key/{key}/evaluate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}}}


cctl apply evaluateDecisionByKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply evaluateDecisionByKeyAndTenant

Evaluate By Key And Tenant Evaluates the latest version of the decision definition for tenant. The input values of the decision have to be supplied in the request body. URL: /decision-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/evaluate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}}}


cctl apply evaluateDecisionByKeyAndTenant [OPTIONS] TENANT_ID KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply executeJob

Execute Job Executes a job by id. Note: The execution of the job happens synchronously in the same thread. URL: /job/{id}/execute Schema: -


cctl apply executeJob [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply executeMigrationPlan

Execute Migration Plan Executes a migration plan synchronously for multiple process instances. To execute a migration plan asynchronously, use the Execute Migration Plan Async(Batch) method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution of a migration plan, please refer to the related section of the user guide. URL: /migration/execute Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'migrationPlan': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/MigrationPlanDto'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to migrate.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value to control whether execution listeners should be invoked during\nmigration.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during\nmigration.'}}}


cctl apply executeMigrationPlan [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply executeMigrationPlanAsync

Execute Migration Plan Async (Batch) Executes a migration plan asynchronously (batch) for multiple process instances. To execute a migration plan synchronously, use the Execute MigrationPlan method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution of a migration plan, please refer to the related section of the user guide. URL: /migration/executeAsync Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'migrationPlan': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/MigrationPlanDto'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to migrate.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value to control whether execution listeners should be invoked during\nmigration.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during\nmigration.'}}}


cctl apply executeMigrationPlanAsync [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply executeModification

Execute Modification Executes a modification synchronously for multiple process instances. To modify a single process instance, use the Modify Process Instance Execution State method. To execute a modification asynchronously, use the Execute Modification Async (Batch) method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution of a modification, please refer to the related section of the user guide. URL: /modification/execute Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definition for the modification'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part\nof this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of [input/output variable mappings]( for\nactivities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to modify.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/MultipleProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': 'An array of modification instructions. The instructions are executed in the order they are in. '}, 'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An arbitrary text annotation set by a user for auditing reasons.'}}}


cctl apply executeModification [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply executeModificationAsync

Execute Modification Async (Batch) Executes a modification asynchronously for multiple process instances. To execute a modification synchronously, use the Execute Modification method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution of a modification, please refer to the related section of the user guide. URL: /modification/executeAsync Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definition for the modification'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part\nof this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of [input/output variable mappings]( for\nactivities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to modify.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/MultipleProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': 'An array of modification instructions. The instructions are executed in the order they are in. '}, 'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An arbitrary text annotation set by a user for auditing reasons.'}}}


cctl apply executeModificationAsync [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply extendLock

Extend Lock Extends the timeout of the lock by a given amount of time. URL: /external-task/{id}/extendLock Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'newDuration': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An amount of time (in milliseconds). This is the new lock duration starting from the\ncurrent moment.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HandleExternalTaskDto'}]}


cctl apply extendLock [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply externalTaskResourcePriority

Set Priority Sets the priority of an existing external task by id. The default value of a priority is 0. URL: /external-task/{id}/priority Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The priority of the resource.'}}}


cctl apply externalTaskResourcePriority [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply externalTaskResourceRetries

Set Retries Sets the number of retries left to execute an external task by id. If retries are set to 0, an incident is created. URL: /external-task/{id}/retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The number of retries to set for the resource. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created\nand the task, or job, cannot be fetched, or acquired anymore unless the retries are increased again.\nCan not be null.'}}}


cctl apply externalTaskResourceRetries [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply externalTaskRetries

Set Retries Sync Sets the number of retries left to execute external tasks by id synchronously. If retries are set to 0, an incident is created. URL: /external-task/retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The number of retries to set for the external task. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created\nand the task cannot be fetched anymore unless the retries are increased again. Can not be null.'}, 'externalTaskIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of the external tasks to set the number of retries for.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of process instances containing the tasks to set the number of retries for.'}, 'externalTaskQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ExternalTaskQueryDto'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply externalTaskRetries [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply externalTaskRetriesAsyncOperation

Set Retries Async Sets the number of retries left to execute external tasks by id asynchronously. If retries are set to 0, an incident is created. URL: /external-task/retries-async Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The number of retries to set for the external task. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created\nand the task cannot be fetched anymore unless the retries are increased again. Can not be null.'}, 'externalTaskIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of the external tasks to set the number of retries for.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of process instances containing the tasks to set the number of retries for.'}, 'externalTaskQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ExternalTaskQueryDto'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply externalTaskRetriesAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply fetchAndLock

Fetch and Lock Fetches and locks a specific number of external tasks for execution by a worker. Query can be restricted to specific task topics and for each task topic an individual lock time can be provided. URL: /external-task/fetchAndLock Schema: {'type': 'object', 'required': ['workerId', 'maxTasks'], 'properties': {'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'description': '**Mandatory.** The id of the worker on which behalf tasks are fetched. The returned tasks are locked for\nthat worker and can only be completed when providing the same worker id.'}, 'maxTasks': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': '**Mandatory.** The maximum number of tasks to return.'}, 'usePriority': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Abooleanvalue, which indicates whether the task should be fetched based on its priority\nor arbitrarily.'}, 'asyncResponseTimeout': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The [Long Polling](\ntimeout in milliseconds.\n\n**Note:** The value cannot be set larger than 1.800.000 milliseconds (corresponds to 30 minutes).'}, 'topics': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/FetchExternalTaskTopicDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array of topic objects for which external tasks should be fetched. The returned tasks may be\narbitrarily distributed among these topics. Each topic object has the following properties:'}}}


cctl apply fetchAndLock [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply filter

Update Filter Updates an existing filter. URL: /filter/{id} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'resourceType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The resource type of the filter.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the filter.'}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The user id of the owner of the filter.'}, 'query': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'The query of the filter as a JSON object.'}, 'properties': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'The properties of a filter as a JSON object.'}}}


cctl apply filter [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply generateMigrationPlan

Generate Migration Plan Generates a migration plan for two process definitions. The generated migration plan contains migration instructions which map equal activities between the two process definitions. URL: /migration/generate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sourceProcessDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the source process definition for the migration.'}, 'targetProcessDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the target process definition for the migration.'}, 'updateEventTriggers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean flag indicating whether instructions between events should be configured\nto update the event triggers.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': "A map of variables which will be set into the process instances' scope.\nEach key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object."}}}


cctl apply generateMigrationPlan [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply group

Update Group Updates a given group by id. URL: /group/{id} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the group.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The type of the group.'}}}


cctl apply group [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply handleBpmnError

Handle BPMN Error Reports a business error in the context of a running task by id. The error code must be specified to identify the BPMN error handler. See the documentation for Reporting Bpmn Error in User Tasks. URL: /task/{id}/bpmnError Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'errorCode': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An error code that indicates the predefined error. It is used to identify the BPMN\nerror handler.'}, 'errorMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An error message that describes the error.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}}}


cctl apply handleBpmnError [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply handleEscalation

Handle BPMN Escalation Reports an escalation in the context of a running task by id. The escalation code must be specified to identify the escalation handler. See the documentation for Reporting Bpmn Escalation in User Tasks. URL: /task/{id}/bpmnEscalation Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'escalationCode': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An escalation code that indicates the predefined escalation. It is used to identify\nthe BPMN escalation handler.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}}}


cctl apply handleEscalation [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply handleExternalTaskBpmnError

Handle BPMN Error Reports a business error in the context of a running external task by id. The error code must be specified to identify the BPMN error handler. URL: /external-task/{id}/bpmnError Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the worker that reports the failure. Must match the id of the worker who has most recently\nlocked the task.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/TaskBpmnErrorDto'}]}


cctl apply handleExternalTaskBpmnError [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply handleFailure

Handle Failure Reports a failure to execute an external task by id. A number of retries and a timeout until the task can be retried can be specified. If retries are set to 0, an incident for this task is created. URL: /external-task/{id}/failure Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'errorMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An message indicating the reason of the failure.'}, 'errorDetails': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A detailed error description.'}, 'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': "A number of how often the task should be retried. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created and\nthe task cannot be fetched anymore unless the retries are increased again. The incident's message is set\nto theerrorMessageparameter."}, 'retryTimeout': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A timeout in milliseconds before the external task becomes available again for fetching. Must be >= 0.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties:'}, 'localVariables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing local variable key-value pairs. Local variables are set only in the scope of external task. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object with the following properties:'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HandleExternalTaskDto'}]}


cctl apply handleFailure [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historicProcessInstancesAsync

Delete Async (POST) Delete multiple historic process instances asynchronously (batch). At least historicProcessInstanceIds or historicProcessInstanceQuery has to be provided. If both are provided then all instances matching query criterion and instances from the list will be deleted. URL: /history/process-instance/delete Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historicProcessInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list historic process instance ids to delete.'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'deleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A string with delete reason.'}, 'failIfNotExists': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If set tofalse, the request will still be successful if one ore more of the process ids are not found.'}}}


cctl apply historicProcessInstancesAsync [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionId

Update History Time to Live Updates history time to live for decision definition. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /decision-definition/{id}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionId [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionKey

Update History Time to Live By Key Updates the latest version of the decision definition which belongs to no tenant. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /decision-definition/key/{key}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionKeyAndTenant

Update History Time to Live By Key And Tenant Updates the latest version of the decision definition for tenant. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /decision-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByDecisionDefinitionKeyAndTenant 


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionId

Update History Time to Live Updates history time to live for process definition. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /process-definition/{id}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionId [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionKey

Update History Time to Live Updates history time to live for the latest version of the process definition which belongs to no tenant. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionKeyAndTenantId

Update History Time to Live Updates history time to live for the latest version of the process definition for a tenant. The field is used within History cleanup. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/history-time-to-live Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historyTimeToLive': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'New value for historyTimeToLive field of the definition.\nCan benull. Can not be negative.'}}}


cctl apply historyTimeToLiveByProcessDefinitionKeyAndTenantId 


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

Delete Removes an identity link from a task by id URL: /task/{id}/identity-links/delete Schema: {'type': 'object', 'required': ['type'], 'properties': {'userId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user participating in this link. EitheruserIdorgroupIdis set.'}, 'groupId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the group participating in this link. EithergroupIdoruserIdis set.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The type of the identity link. The value of the this property can be user-defined. The Process Engine\nprovides three pre-defined Identity Linktypes:\n\n*candidate\n*assignee- reserved for the task assignee\n*owner- reserved for the task owner\n\n**Note**: When adding or removing an Identity Link, thetypeproperty must be defined.'}}}


cctl apply identityLink [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply incidentAnnotation

Set Incident Annotation Sets the annotation of an incident with given id. URL: /incident/{id}/annotation Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The annotation value to put.'}}}


cctl apply incidentAnnotation [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobDuedate

Set Job Due Date Updates the due date of a job by id. URL: /job/{id}/duedate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'duedate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The date to set when the job has the next execution.'}, 'cascade': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value to indicate if modifications to the due date should cascade to\nsubsequent jobs. (e.g. Modify the due date of a timer by +15\nminutes. This flag indicates if a +15 minutes should be applied to all\nsubsequent timers.) This flag only affects timer jobs and only works if due date\nis not null. Default:false'}}}


cctl apply jobDuedate [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobPriority

Set Job Priority Sets the execution priority of a job by id. URL: /job/{id}/priority Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The priority of the resource.'}}}


cctl apply jobPriority [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobPriorityJobDefinition

Set Job Definition Priority by Id Sets an overriding execution priority for jobs with the given definition id. Optionally, the priorities of all the definitions' existing jobs are updated accordingly. The priority can be reset by setting it to null, meaning that a new job's priority will not be determined based on its definition's priority any longer. See the user guide on job prioritization for details. URL: /job-definition/{id}/jobPriority Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The new execution priority number for jobs of the given definition. The\ndefinition's priority can be reset by using the valuenull. In\nthat case, the job definition's priority no longer applies but a new\njob's priority is determined as specified in the process model."}, 'includeJobs': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A boolean value indicating whether existing jobs of the given definition should\nreceive the priority as well. Default value isfalse. Can only be\ntruewhen the __priority__ parameter is notnull.'}}}


cctl apply jobPriorityJobDefinition [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobRetries

Set Job Retries Sets the retries of the job to the given number of retries by id. URL: /job/{id}/retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The number of retries to set for the resource. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created\nand the task, or job, cannot be fetched, or acquired anymore unless the retries are increased again.\nCan not be null.'}}}


cctl apply jobRetries [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobRetriesAsyncOperation

Set Job Retries Async (POST) Create a batch to set retries of jobs asynchronously. URL: /job/retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Defines the number of retries for a selection of jobs.\nPlease note that if both jobIds and jobQuery are provided,\nthen retries will be set on the union of these sets.', 'properties': {'jobIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of job ids to set retries for.'}, 'jobQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobQueryDto'}, 'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'An integer representing the number of retries. Please note that the value cannot be\nnegative or null.'}}}


cctl apply jobRetriesAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobRetriesJobDefinition

Set Job Retries By Job Definition Id Sets the number of retries of all failed jobs associated with the given job definition id. URL: /job-definition/{id}/retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The number of retries to set for the resource. Must be >= 0. If this is 0, an incident is created\nand the task, or job, cannot be fetched, or acquired anymore unless the retries are increased again.\nCan not be null.'}}}


cctl apply jobRetriesJobDefinition [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply jobSuspensionState

Activate/Suspend Job By Id Activates or suspends a given job by id. URL: /job/{id}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A Boolean value which indicates whether to activate or suspend a given instance \n(e.g. process instance, job, job definition, or batch). When the value is set to true, \nthe given instance will be suspended and when the value is set to false, \nthe given instance will be activated.'}}}


cctl apply jobSuspensionState [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply localExecutionVariableBinary

Post Local Execution Variable (Binary) Sets the serialized value for a binary variable or the binary value for a file variable in the context of a given execution by id. URL: /execution/{id}/localVariables/{varName}/data Schema: -


cctl apply localExecutionVariableBinary [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply lock

Lock an external task by a given id for a specified worker and amount of time. URL: /external-task/{id}/lock Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'lockDuration': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'description': 'The duration to lock the external task for in milliseconds.\n**Note:** Attempting to lock an already locked external task with the sameworkerId\nwill succeed and a new lock duration will be set, starting from the current moment.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HandleExternalTaskDto'}]}


cctl apply lock [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyLocalExecutionVariables

Update/Delete Local Execution Variables Updates or deletes the variables in the context of an execution by id. The updates do not propagate upwards in the execution hierarchy. Updates precede deletions. So, if a variable is updated AND deleted, the deletion overrides the update. URL: /execution/{id}/localVariables Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'modifications': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'deletions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of String keys of variables to be deleted.'}}}


cctl apply modifyLocalExecutionVariables [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyProcessInstance

Modify Process Instance Execution State Submits a list of modification instructions to change a process instance's execution state. A modification instruction is one of the following:

  • Starting execution before an activity
  • Starting execution after an activity on its single outgoing sequence flow
  • Starting execution on a specific sequence flow
  • Canceling an activity instance, transition instance, or all instances (activity or transition) for an activity

Instructions are executed immediately and in the order they are provided in this request's body. Variables can be provided with every starting instruction.

The exact semantics of modification can be read about in the User guide. URL: /process-instance/{id}/modification Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of [input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': 'JSON array of modification instructions. The instructions are executed in the order they are in.'}, 'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An arbitrary text annotation set by a user for auditing reasons.'}}}


cctl apply modifyProcessInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyProcessInstanceAsyncOperation

Modify Process Instance Execution State Async Submits a list of modification instructions to change a process instance's execution state async. A modification instruction is one of the following:

  • Starting execution before an activity
  • Starting execution after an activity on its single outgoing sequence flow
  • Starting execution on a specific sequence flow
  • Cancelling an activity instance, transition instance, or all instances (activity or transition) for an activity

Instructions are executed asynchronous and in the order they are provided in this request's body. Variables can be provided with every starting instruction.

The exact semantics of modification can be read about in the User guide. URL: /process-instance/{id}/modification-async Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of [input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': 'JSON array of modification instructions. The instructions are executed in the order they are in.'}, 'annotation': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An arbitrary text annotation set by a user for auditing reasons.'}}}


cctl apply modifyProcessInstanceAsyncOperation [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyProcessInstanceVariables

Update/Delete Process Variables Updates or deletes the variables of a process instance by id. Updates precede deletions. So, if a variable is updated AND deleted, the deletion overrides the update. URL: /process-instance/{id}/variables Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'modifications': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'deletions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of String keys of variables to be deleted.'}}}


cctl apply modifyProcessInstanceVariables [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyTaskLocalVariables

Update/Delete Local Task Variables Updates or deletes the variables in the context of a task. Updates precede deletions. So, if a variable is updated AND deleted, the deletion overrides the update. URL: /task/{id}/localVariables Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'modifications': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'deletions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of String keys of variables to be deleted.'}}}


cctl apply modifyTaskLocalVariables [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply modifyTaskVariables

Update/Delete Task Variables Updates or deletes the variables visible from the task. Updates precede deletions. So, if a variable is updated AND deleted, the deletion overrides the update. A variable is visible from the task if it is a local task variable or declared in a parent scope of the task. See documentation on visiblity of variables. URL: /task/{id}/variables Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'modifications': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'deletions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'An array of String keys of variables to be deleted.'}}}


cctl apply modifyTaskVariables [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply postExecuteFilterCount

Execute Filter Count (POST) Executes the saved query of the filter by id and returns the count. This method is slightly more powerful then the Get Execute Filter Count method because it allows to extend the saved query of the filter. URL: /filter/{id}/count Schema: -


cctl apply postExecuteFilterCount [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply postExecuteFilterList

Execute Filter List (POST) Executes the saved query of the filter by id and returns the result list. This method is slightly more powerful then the Get Execute FilterList method because it allows to extend the saved query of the filter. URL: /filter/{id}/list Schema: -


cctl apply postExecuteFilterList [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply postExecuteFilterSingleResult

Execute Filter Single Result (POST) Executes the saved query of the filter by id and returns the single result. This method is slightly more powerful then the Get Execute Filter Single Result method because it allows to extend the saved query of the filter. URL: /filter/{id}/singleResult Schema: -


cctl apply postExecuteFilterSingleResult [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply postQueryGroups

Get List (POST) Queries for a list of groups using a list of parameters. The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Group Count (POST) method. URL: /group Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A group instance query which defines a list of group instances', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the group.'}, 'idIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a JSON string array of group ids.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name of the group.'}, 'nameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the type of the group.'}, 'member': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only retrieve groups where the given user id is a member of.'}, 'memberOfTenant': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only retrieve groups which are members of the given tenant.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['id', 'name', 'type'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply postQueryGroups [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionState

Activate/Suspend By Key Activates or suspends process definitions with the given process definition key. URL: /process-definition/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend all process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process definitions with the given key will be suspended and\nwhen the value is set tofalse, all process definitions with the given key will be activated.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The key of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'includeProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend also all process instances of \nthe process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process instances of the process definitions with the given key\nwill be activated or suspended and when the value is set tofalse, the suspension state of \nall process instances of the process definitions with the given key will not be updated.'}, 'executionDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date on which all process definitions with the given key will be activated or suspended.\nIfnull, the suspension state of all process definitions with the given key is updated immediately.\nBy [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}}}


cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionState [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateById

Activate/Suspend By Id Activates or suspends a given process definition by id. URL: /process-definition/{id}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend all process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process definitions with the given key will be suspended and\nwhen the value is set tofalse, all process definitions with the given key will be activated.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The key of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'includeProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend also all process instances of \nthe process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process instances of the process definitions with the given key\nwill be activated or suspended and when the value is set tofalse, the suspension state of \nall process instances of the process definitions with the given key will not be updated.'}, 'executionDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date on which all process definitions with the given key will be activated or suspended.\nIfnull, the suspension state of all process definitions with the given key is updated immediately.\nBy [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}}}


cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateById [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateByKey

Activate/Suspend by Id Activates or suspends a given process definition by latest version of process definition key which belongs to no tenant. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend all process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process definitions with the given key will be suspended and\nwhen the value is set tofalse, all process definitions with the given key will be activated.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The key of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'includeProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend also all process instances of \nthe process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process instances of the process definitions with the given key\nwill be activated or suspended and when the value is set tofalse, the suspension state of \nall process instances of the process definitions with the given key will not be updated.'}, 'executionDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date on which all process definitions with the given key will be activated or suspended.\nIfnull, the suspension state of all process definitions with the given key is updated immediately.\nBy [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}}}


cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateByKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateByKeyAndTenantId

Activate/Suspend by Id Activates or suspends a given process definition by the latest version of the process definition for tenant. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend all process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process definitions with the given key will be suspended and\nwhen the value is set tofalse, all process definitions with the given key will be activated.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The key of the process definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'includeProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend also all process instances of \nthe process definitions with the given key.\nWhen the value is set totrue, all process instances of the process definitions with the given key\nwill be activated or suspended and when the value is set tofalse, the suspension state of \nall process instances of the process definitions with the given key will not be updated.'}, 'executionDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date on which all process definitions with the given key will be activated or suspended.\nIfnull, the suspension state of all process definitions with the given key is updated immediately.\nBy [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}}}


cctl apply processDefinitionSuspensionStateByKeyAndTenantId 


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processInstanceVariable

Update Process Variable Sets a variable of a given process instance by id. URL: /process-instance/{id}/variables/{varName} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'value': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AnyValue'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The value type of the variable.'}, 'valueInfo': {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'description': "A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.\nFor serialized variables of type Object, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.\n*serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.\n\nFor serialized variables of type File, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*filename: The name of the file. This is not the variable name but the name that will be used when downloading the file again.\n*mimetype: The MIME type of the file that is being uploaded.\n*encoding: The encoding of the file that is being uploaded.\n\nThe following property can be provided for all value types:\n\n*transient: Indicates whether the variable should be transient or\nnot. See [documentation]( for more informations.\n(Not applicable fordecision-definition, /process-instance/variables-async, and/migration/executeAsyncendpoints)"}}}


cctl apply processInstanceVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processInstanceVariableBinary

Update Process Variable (Binary) Sets the serialized value for a binary variable or the binary value for a file variable. URL: /process-instance/{id}/variables/{varName}/data Schema: -


cctl apply processInstanceVariableBinary [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply processInstancesAsyncOperation

Delete Async (POST) Deletes multiple process instances asynchronously (batch). URL: /process-instance/delete Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list process instance ids to delete.'}, 'deleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A string with delete reason.'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.'}, 'skipSubprocesses': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip deletion of the subprocesses related to deleted processes as part of this request.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply processInstancesAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply profile

Update User Profile Updates the profile information of an already existing user. URL: /user/{id}/profile Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the user.'}, 'firstName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The first name of the user.'}, 'lastName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The first name of the user.'}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The email of the user.'}}}


cctl apply profile [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply putLocalExecutionVariable

Put Local Execution Variable Sets a variable in the context of a given execution by id. Update does not propagate upwards in the execution hierarchy. URL: /execution/{id}/localVariables/{varName} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'value': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AnyValue'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The value type of the variable.'}, 'valueInfo': {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'description': "A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.\nFor serialized variables of type Object, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.\n*serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.\n\nFor serialized variables of type File, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*filename: The name of the file. This is not the variable name but the name that will be used when downloading the file again.\n*mimetype: The MIME type of the file that is being uploaded.\n*encoding: The encoding of the file that is being uploaded.\n\nThe following property can be provided for all value types:\n\n*transient: Indicates whether the variable should be transient or\nnot. See [documentation]( for more informations.\n(Not applicable fordecision-definition, /process-instance/variables-async, and/migration/executeAsyncendpoints)"}}}


cctl apply putLocalExecutionVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply putTaskLocalVariable

Update Local Task Variable Sets a variable in the context of a given task. URL: /task/{id}/localVariables/{varName} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'value': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AnyValue'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The value type of the variable.'}, 'valueInfo': {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'description': "A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.\nFor serialized variables of type Object, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.\n*serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.\n\nFor serialized variables of type File, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*filename: The name of the file. This is not the variable name but the name that will be used when downloading the file again.\n*mimetype: The MIME type of the file that is being uploaded.\n*encoding: The encoding of the file that is being uploaded.\n\nThe following property can be provided for all value types:\n\n*transient: Indicates whether the variable should be transient or\nnot. See [documentation]( for more informations.\n(Not applicable fordecision-definition, /process-instance/variables-async, and/migration/executeAsyncendpoints)"}}}


cctl apply putTaskLocalVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply putTaskVariable

Update Task Variable Updates a process variable that is visible from the Task scope. A variable is visible from the task if it is a local task variable, or declared in a parent scope of the task. See the documentation on variable scopes and visibility.

Note: If a variable doesn't exist, the variable is created in the top-most scope visible from the task. URL: /task/{id}/variables/{varName} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'value': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AnyValue'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The value type of the variable.'}, 'valueInfo': {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'description': "A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.\nFor serialized variables of type Object, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.\n*serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.\n\nFor serialized variables of type File, the following properties can be provided:\n\n*filename: The name of the file. This is not the variable name but the name that will be used when downloading the file again.\n*mimetype: The MIME type of the file that is being uploaded.\n*encoding: The encoding of the file that is being uploaded.\n\nThe following property can be provided for all value types:\n\n*transient: Indicates whether the variable should be transient or\nnot. See [documentation]( for more informations.\n(Not applicable fordecision-definition, /process-instance/variables-async, and/migration/executeAsyncendpoints)"}}}


cctl apply putTaskVariable [OPTIONS] VARNAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryExecutions

Get Executions (POST) Queries for executions that fulfill given parameters through a JSON object. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Executions method because it allows to filter by multiple instance and execution variables of types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /execution Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Execution instance query which defines a list of Execution instances', 'properties': {'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the business key of the process instances the executions belong to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the executions run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the executions run on.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process instance the execution belongs to.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the activity the execution currently executes.'}, 'signalEventSubscriptionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Select only those executions that expect a signal of the given name.'}, 'messageEventSubscriptionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Select only those executions that expect a message of the given name.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active executions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended executions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'incidentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident id.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the [User Guide](/manual/develop/user-guide/process-engine/incidents/#incident-types) for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. An execution must have one of the given\ntenant ids.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include executions that have variables with certain values.\n\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operator\nandvalue.\nname (String)is the variable name,operator (String)is the comparison\noperator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt-\ngreater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or\nequal to;\nlike.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include executions that belong to a process instance with variables\nwith certain values.\n\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operator\nandvalue.\nname (String)is the variable name,operator (String)is the comparison\noperator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided invariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided invariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Has no effect for the/countendpoint', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionKey', 'definitionId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryExecutions [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryExecutionsCount

Get Execution Count (POST) Queries for the number of executions that fulfill given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Executions POST method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Execution Count method. URL: /execution/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Execution instance query which defines a list of Execution instances', 'properties': {'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the business key of the process instances the executions belong to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the executions run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the executions run on.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process instance the execution belongs to.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the activity the execution currently executes.'}, 'signalEventSubscriptionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Select only those executions that expect a signal of the given name.'}, 'messageEventSubscriptionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Select only those executions that expect a message of the given name.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active executions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended executions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'incidentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident id.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the [User Guide](/manual/develop/user-guide/process-engine/incidents/#incident-types) for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. An execution must have one of the given\ntenant ids.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include executions that have variables with certain values.\n\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operator\nandvalue.\nname (String)is the variable name,operator (String)is the comparison\noperator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt-\ngreater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or\nequal to;\nlike.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include executions that belong to a process instance with variables\nwith certain values.\n\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operator\nandvalue.\nname (String)is the variable name,operator (String)is the comparison\noperator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided invariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided invariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Has no effect for the/countendpoint', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionKey', 'definitionId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryExecutionsCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryExternalTasks

Get List (POST) Queries for external tasks that fulfill given parameters in the form of a JSON object.

This method is slightly more powerful than the Get External Tasks method because it allows to specify a hierarchical result sorting. URL: /external-task Schema: {'title': 'ExternalTaskQueryDto', 'type': 'object', 'description': 'A JSON object with the following properties:', 'properties': {'externalTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Filter by an external task's id."}, 'externalTaskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by the comma-separated list of external task ids.'}, 'topicName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by an external task topic.'}, 'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the worker that the task was most recently locked by.'}, 'locked': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that are currently locked (i.e., they have a lock time and it has not expired).\nValue may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'notLocked': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that are currently not locked (i.e., they have no lock or it has expired).\nValue may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'withRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that have a positive (> 0) number of retries (ornull). Value may only be\ntrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'noRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that have 0 retries. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any\nexternal task.'}, 'lockExpirationAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to external tasks that have a lock that expires after a given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'lockExpirationBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to external tasks that have a lock that expires before a given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the activity that an external task is created for.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by the comma-separated list of ids of the activities that an external task is created for.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that an external task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process instance that an external task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a comma-separated list of process instance ids that an external task may belong to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process definition that an external task belongs to.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a comma-separated list of tenant ids.\nAn external task must have one of the given tenant ids.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority higher than or equal to the given value.\nValue must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority lower than or equal to the given value.\nValue must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A JSON array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is a JSON object that\n specifies one ordering. The position in the array identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether\n it is primary, secondary, etc. The ordering objects have the following properties:\n\n **Note:** Thesortingproperties will not be applied to the External Task count query.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['id', 'lockExpirationTime', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'taskPriority', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryExternalTasks [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryExternalTasksCount

Get List Count (POST) Queries for the number of external tasks that fulfill given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get External Tasks (POST) method. URL: /external-task/count Schema: {'title': 'ExternalTaskQueryDto', 'type': 'object', 'description': 'A JSON object with the following properties:', 'properties': {'externalTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Filter by an external task's id."}, 'externalTaskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by the comma-separated list of external task ids.'}, 'topicName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by an external task topic.'}, 'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the worker that the task was most recently locked by.'}, 'locked': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that are currently locked (i.e., they have a lock time and it has not expired).\nValue may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'notLocked': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that are currently not locked (i.e., they have no lock or it has expired).\nValue may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'withRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that have a positive (> 0) number of retries (ornull). Value may only be\ntrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'noRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include external tasks that have 0 retries. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any\nexternal task.'}, 'lockExpirationAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to external tasks that have a lock that expires after a given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'lockExpirationBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to external tasks that have a lock that expires before a given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the activity that an external task is created for.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by the comma-separated list of ids of the activities that an external task is created for.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that an external task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process instance that an external task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a comma-separated list of process instance ids that an external task may belong to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process definition that an external task belongs to.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a comma-separated list of tenant ids.\nAn external task must have one of the given tenant ids.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalsematches any external task.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority higher than or equal to the given value.\nValue must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority lower than or equal to the given value.\nValue must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A JSON array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is a JSON object that\n specifies one ordering. The position in the array identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether\n it is primary, secondary, etc. The ordering objects have the following properties:\n\n **Note:** Thesortingproperties will not be applied to the External Task count query.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['id', 'lockExpirationTime', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'taskPriority', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryExternalTasksCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryGroupCount

Get List Count (POST) Queries for groups using a list of parameters and retrieves the count. URL: /group/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A group instance query which defines a list of group instances', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the group.'}, 'idIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a JSON string array of group ids.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name of the group.'}, 'nameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'type': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the type of the group.'}, 'member': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only retrieve groups where the given user id is a member of.'}, 'memberOfTenant': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only retrieve groups which are members of the given tenant.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['id', 'name', 'type'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryGroupCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricActivityInstances

Get List (POST) Queries for historic activity instances that fulfill the given parameters. The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Historic Activity Instance Count method. URL: /history/activity-instance Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A historic activity instance query which defines a group of historic activity instances', 'properties': {'activityInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by activity instance id.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that executed the activity instance.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the activity id (according to BPMN 2.0 XML).'}, 'activityName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the activity name (according to BPMN 2.0 XML).'}, 'activityType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by activity type.'}, 'taskAssignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include activity instances that are user tasks and assigned to a given user.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'canceled': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include canceled activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'completeScope': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include activity instances which completed a scope.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Must be a JSON array of Strings. An activity instance must have one of the given tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic activity instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['activityInstanceId', 'instanceId', 'executionId', 'activityId', 'activityName', 'activityType', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'duration', 'definitionId', 'occurrence', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricActivityInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricActivityInstancesCount

Get List Count (POST) Queries for the number of historic activity instances that fulfill the given parameters. URL: /history/activity-instance/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A historic activity instance query which defines a group of historic activity instances', 'properties': {'activityInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by activity instance id.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that executed the activity instance.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the activity id (according to BPMN 2.0 XML).'}, 'activityName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the activity name (according to BPMN 2.0 XML).'}, 'activityType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by activity type.'}, 'taskAssignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include activity instances that are user tasks and assigned to a given user.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'canceled': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include canceled activity instances.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'completeScope': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include activity instances which completed a scope.\nValue may only betrue, asfalsebehaves the same as when the property is not set.'}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Must be a JSON array of Strings. An activity instance must have one of the given tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic activity instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['activityInstanceId', 'instanceId', 'executionId', 'activityId', 'activityName', 'activityType', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'duration', 'definitionId', 'occurrence', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricActivityInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricDetails

Get Historic Details (POST) Queries for historic details that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Historic Details method because it allows sorting by multiple parameters. The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Historic Detail Count method. URL: /history/detail Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A historic detail query which defines a group of historic details.', 'properties': {'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic details which belong to one of the passed process instance ids.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by execution id.'}, 'taskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by task id.'}, 'activityInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by activity instance id.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case instance id.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case execution id.'}, 'variableInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by variable instance id.'}, 'variableTypeIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic details where the variable updates belong to one of the passed \nlist of variable types. A list of all supported variable types can be found\n[here](\n**Note:** All non-primitive variables are associated with the typeserializable.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic details that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'userOperationId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by a user operation id.'}, 'formFields': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only includeHistoricFormFields. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'variableUpdates': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only includeHistoricVariableUpdates. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'excludeTaskDetails': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Excludes all task-relatedHistoricDetails, so only items which have no task id set will be selected.\nWhen this parameter is used together withtaskId, this call is ignored and task details are not excluded.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'initial': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to historic variable updates that contain only initial variable values.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'occurredBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to historic details that occured before the given date (including the date).\nDefault [format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g., 2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'occurredAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to historic details that occured after the given date (including the date).\nDefault [format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g., 2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A JSON array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n a JSON object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Does not have an effect for thecountendpoint.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['processInstanceId', 'variableName', 'variableType', 'variableRevision', 'formPropertyId', 'time', 'occurrence', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricDetails [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--deserialize-values / --not-deserialize-values boolean Determines whether serializable variable values (typically variables that
store custom Java objects) should be deserialized on server side (default

If set to true, a serializable variable will be deserialized on server side and transformed to JSON using Jackson's POJO/bean property introspection feature. Note that this requires the Java classes of the variable value to be on the REST API's classpath.

If set to false, a serializable variable will be returned in its serialized format. For example, a variable that is serialized as XML will be returned as a JSON string containing XML.

Note: While true is the default value for reasons of backward compatibility, we recommend setting this parameter to false when developing web applications that are independent of the Java process applications deployed to the engine. | None | | --max-results | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return. Will return less results if there are no more results left. | None | | --first-result | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. | None | | -oT, --output-template | text | provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. | None | | -o, --output | choice (template) | N/A | template | | --skip-validation | boolean | ignore validation | False | | -f, --file | filename | input as yaml | None | | --help | boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |

cctl apply queryHistoricExternalTaskLogs

Get External Task Logs (POST) Queries for historic external task logs that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get External Task Logs method because it allows filtering by historic external task logs values of the different types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /history/external-task-log Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic External Task Log instance query which defines a list of Historic External Task Log instances', 'properties': {'logId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by historic external task log id.'}, 'externalTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by external task id.'}, 'topicName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by an external task topic.'}, 'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the worker that the task was most recently locked by.'}, 'errorMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by external task exception message.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity\ninstance ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed execution ids.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition key.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task log entries which belong to one of the passed and\ncomma-separated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic external task log entries that belong to no tenant. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority lower than or\nequal to the given value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority higher than or\nequal to the given value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'creationLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include creation logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'failureLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include failure logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'successLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include success logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'deletionLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include deletion logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['timestamp', 'externalTaskId', 'topicName', 'workerId', 'retries', 'priority', 'activityId', 'activityInstanceId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricExternalTaskLogs [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricExternalTaskLogsCount

Get External Task Log Count (POST) Queries for the number of historic external task logs that fulfill the given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get External Task Logs (POST) method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get External Task Log Count method. URL: /history/external-task-log/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic External Task Log instance query which defines a list of Historic External Task Log instances', 'properties': {'logId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by historic external task log id.'}, 'externalTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by external task id.'}, 'topicName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by an external task topic.'}, 'workerId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the worker that the task was most recently locked by.'}, 'errorMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by external task exception message.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity\ninstance ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed execution ids.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition key.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic external task log entries which belong to one of the passed and\ncomma-separated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic external task log entries that belong to no tenant. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority lower than or\nequal to the given value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority higher than or\nequal to the given value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'creationLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include creation logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'failureLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include failure logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'successLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include success logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'deletionLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include deletion logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['timestamp', 'externalTaskId', 'topicName', 'workerId', 'retries', 'priority', 'activityId', 'activityInstanceId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricExternalTaskLogsCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricJobLogs

Get Job Logs (POST) Queries for historic job logs that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Job Logs method because it allows filtering by historic job logs values of the different types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /history/job-log Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Job Log instance query which defines a list of Historic Job Log instances', 'properties': {'logId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by historic job log id.'}, 'jobId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job id.'}, 'jobExceptionMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job exception message.'}, 'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition id.'}, 'jobDefinitionType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor more information about job definition types.'}, 'jobDefinitionConfiguration': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition configuration.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'failedActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to failures of one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to one of the passed execution ids.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition key.'}, 'deploymentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by deployment id.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job log entries which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic job log entries that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'hostname': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by hostname.'}, 'jobPriorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated job had a priority lower than or equal to the\ngiven value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'jobPriorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated job had a priority higher than or equal to the\ngiven value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'creationLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include creation logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'failureLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include failure logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'successLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include success logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'deletionLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include deletion logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['timestamp', 'jobId', 'jobDefinitionId', 'jobDueDate', 'jobRetries', 'jobPriority', 'activityId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'deploymentId', 'hostname', 'occurrence', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricJobLogs [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricJobLogsCount

Get Job Log Count (POST) Queries for the number of historic job logs that fulfill the given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Job Logs (POST) method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Job Log Count method. URL: /history/job-log/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Job Log instance query which defines a list of Historic Job Log instances', 'properties': {'logId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by historic job log id.'}, 'jobId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job id.'}, 'jobExceptionMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job exception message.'}, 'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition id.'}, 'jobDefinitionType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor more information about job definition types.'}, 'jobDefinitionConfiguration': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition configuration.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'failedActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to failures of one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job logs which belong to one of the passed execution ids.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition key.'}, 'deploymentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by deployment id.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic job log entries which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic job log entries that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'hostname': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by hostname.'}, 'jobPriorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated job had a priority lower than or equal to the\ngiven value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'jobPriorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include logs for which the associated job had a priority higher than or equal to the\ngiven value. Value must be a validlongvalue.'}, 'creationLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include creation logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'failureLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include failure logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'successLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include success logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'deletionLog': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include deletion logs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['timestamp', 'jobId', 'jobDefinitionId', 'jobDueDate', 'jobRetries', 'jobPriority', 'activityId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'deploymentId', 'hostname', 'occurrence', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricJobLogsCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricProcessInstances

Get List (POST) Queries for historic process instances that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Process Instance because it allows filtering by multiple process variables of types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /history/process-instance Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A historic process instance query which defines a group of historic process instances', 'properties': {'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by process instance ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process definition keys. A process instance must have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition names that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Exclude instances that belong to a set of process definitions. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'rootProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict the query to all process instances that are top level process instances.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished process instances. This flag includes all process instances\nthat are completed or terminated. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished process instances. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withIncidents': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which have an incident. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withRootIncidents': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which have a root incident. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the [User Guide]( for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentStatus': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['open', 'resolved'], 'description': 'Only include process instances which have an incident in status either open or resolved. To get all process instances, use the query parameter withIncidents.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started after the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished after the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedActivityAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an activity after the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedActivityBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an activity before the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedJobAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an job after the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedJobBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an job before the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances that were started by the given user.'}, 'superProcessInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given process instance. Takes a process instance id.'}, 'subProcessInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to one process instance that has a sub process instance with the given id.'}, 'superCaseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance. Takes a case instance id.'}, 'subCaseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to one process instance that has a sub case instance with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance. Takes a case instance id.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A process instance must have one of the given tenant ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic process instances which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'executedActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that executed an activity with one of given ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'activeActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that have an active activity with one of given ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are active.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are suspended.'}, 'completed': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are completed.'}, 'externallyTerminated': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are externallyTerminated.'}, 'internallyTerminated': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are internallyTerminated.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include process instances that have/had variables with certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname, is the variable name,\noperator(String) is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\n\nValue may beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;gteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like.\n'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided in variables case-insensitively. If set totruevariableName and variablename are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided in variables case-insensitively. If set totruevariableValue and variablevalue are treated as equal.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested historic process instance queries with OR semantics.\n\nA process instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\n\nWith multiple nested queries, a process instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query\n([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll process instance query properties can be used except for:sorting\n\nSee the [User Guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionId', 'definitionKey', 'definitionName', 'definitionVersion', 'businessKey', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'duration', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricProcessInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricProcessInstancesCount

Get List Count (POST) Queries for the number of historic process instances that fulfill the given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Process Instances (POST) method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Process Instance Count method. URL: /history/process-instance/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A historic process instance query which defines a group of historic process instances', 'properties': {'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by process instance ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process definition keys. A process instance must have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the name of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition names that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Exclude instances that belong to a set of process definitions. Must be a JSON array ofStrings.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'rootProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict the query to all process instances that are top level process instances.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished process instances. This flag includes all process instances\nthat are completed or terminated. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished process instances. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withIncidents': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which have an incident. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withRootIncidents': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which have a root incident. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the [User Guide]( for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentStatus': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['open', 'resolved'], 'description': 'Only include process instances which have an incident in status either open or resolved. To get all process instances, use the query parameter withIncidents.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were started after the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that were finished after the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedActivityAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an activity after the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedActivityBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an activity before the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedJobAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an job after the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'executedJobBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to instances that executed an job before the given date (inclusive).\nBy [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances that were started by the given user.'}, 'superProcessInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given process instance. Takes a process instance id.'}, 'subProcessInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to one process instance that has a sub process instance with the given id.'}, 'superCaseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance. Takes a case instance id.'}, 'subCaseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to one process instance that has a sub case instance with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance. Takes a case instance id.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A process instance must have one of the given tenant ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic process instances which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'executedActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that executed an activity with one of given ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'activeActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that have an active activity with one of given ids. Must be a JSON array ofStrings'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are active.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are suspended.'}, 'completed': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are completed.'}, 'externallyTerminated': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are externallyTerminated.'}, 'internallyTerminated': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to instances that are internallyTerminated.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include process instances that have/had variables with certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname, is the variable name,\noperator(String) is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\n\nValue may beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;gteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like.\n'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided in variables case-insensitively. If set totruevariableName and variablename are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided in variables case-insensitively. If set totruevariableValue and variablevalue are treated as equal.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested historic process instance queries with OR semantics.\n\nA process instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\n\nWith multiple nested queries, a process instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query\n([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll process instance query properties can be used except for:sorting\n\nSee the [User Guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionId', 'definitionKey', 'definitionName', 'definitionVersion', 'businessKey', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'duration', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricProcessInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricTaskInstances

Get Tasks (Historic) (POST) Queries for historic tasks that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Tasks (Historic) method because it allows filtering by multiple process or task variables of types String, Number or Boolean. The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Task Count (POST) method. URL: /history/task Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Task instance query which defines a list of Historic Task instances', 'properties': {'taskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by task id.'}, 'taskParentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by parent task id.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by process instances with one of the give business keys.\nThe keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that executed the task.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given key.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given name.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case instance id.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the case execution that executed the task.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case definition id.'}, 'caseDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given key.'}, 'caseDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given name.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed activity instance ids.'}, 'taskName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given name.'}, 'taskNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a name with the given parameter value as substring.'}, 'taskDescription': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given description.'}, 'taskDescriptionLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a description that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given key.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have one of the passed task definition keys.'}, 'taskDeleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given delete reason.'}, 'taskDeleteReasonLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a delete reason that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskAssignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user is assigned to.'}, 'taskAssigneeLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are assigned to users with the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskOwner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user owns.'}, 'taskOwnerLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are owned by users with the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given priority.'}, 'assigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are assigned.'}, 'unassigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are unassigned.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'processFinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks of finished processes. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'processUnfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks of unfinished processes. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'taskDueDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due on the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskDueDateBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskDueDateAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'withoutTaskDueDate': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no due date. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'taskFollowUpDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskFollowUpDateBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskFollowUpDateAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were started before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were started after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were finished before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were finished after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A task instance must have one of the given\ntenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic task instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'taskVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks that have variables with certain values. Variable filtering expressions are\ncomma-separated and are structured as follows:\n\nA valid parameter value has the formkey_operator_value.\nkeyis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used\nandvaluethe variable value.\n**Note:** Values are always treated asStringobjects on server side.\n\n\nValid operator values are:\n*eq- equal to;\n*neq- not equal to;\n*gt- greater than;\n*gteq- greater than or equal to;\n*lt- lower than;\n*lteq- lower than or equal to;\n*like.\n\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks that belong to process instances that have variables with certain\nvalues. Variable filtering expressions are comma-separated and are structured as\nfollows:\n\nA valid parameter value has the formkey_operator_value.\nkeyis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used\nandvaluethe variable value.\n**Note:** Values are always treated asStringobjects on server side.\n\n\nValid operator values are:\n*eq- equal to;\n*neq- not equal to;\n*gt- greater than;\n*gteq- greater than or equal to;\n*lt- lower than;\n*lteq- lower than or equal to;\n*like;\n*notLike.\n\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable name provided intaskVariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable value provided intaskVariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'taskInvolvedUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given user.'}, 'taskInvolvedGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given group.'}, 'taskHadCandidateUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given candidate user.'}, 'taskHadCandidateGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given candidate group.'}, 'withCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricTaskInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested historic task instance queries with OR semantics.\n\nA task instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\n\nWith multiple nested queries, a task instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query\n([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll task instance query properties can be used except for:sorting,withCandidateGroups, withoutCandidateGroups.\n\nSee the [User Guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['taskId', 'activityInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processInstanceId', 'executionId', 'duration', 'endTime', 'startTime', 'taskName', 'taskDescription', 'assignee', 'owner', 'dueDate', 'followUpDate', 'deleteReason', 'taskDefinitionKey', 'priority', 'caseDefinitionId', 'caseInstanceId', 'caseExecutionId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricTaskInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricTaskInstancesCount

Get Task Count (POST) Queries for the number of historic tasks that fulfill the given parameters. Takes the same parameters as the Get Tasks (Historic) method. Corresponds to the size of the result set of the Get Tasks (Historic) (POST) method and takes the same parameters. URL: /history/task/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Task instance query which defines a list of Historic Task instances', 'properties': {'taskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by task id.'}, 'taskParentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by parent task id.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance id.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by process instances with one of the give business keys.\nThe keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the execution that executed the task.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given key.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given name.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case instance id.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the case execution that executed the task.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case definition id.'}, 'caseDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given key.'}, 'caseDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given name.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed activity instance ids.'}, 'taskName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given name.'}, 'taskNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a name with the given parameter value as substring.'}, 'taskDescription': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given description.'}, 'taskDescriptionLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a description that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given key.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have one of the passed task definition keys.'}, 'taskDeleteReason': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given delete reason.'}, 'taskDeleteReasonLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a delete reason that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskAssignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user is assigned to.'}, 'taskAssigneeLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are assigned to users with the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskOwner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user owns.'}, 'taskOwnerLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are owned by users with the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'taskPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given priority.'}, 'assigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are assigned.'}, 'unassigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are unassigned.'}, 'finished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include finished tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'unfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include unfinished tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'processFinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks of finished processes. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'processUnfinished': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks of unfinished processes. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'taskDueDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due on the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskDueDateBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskDueDateAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'withoutTaskDueDate': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no due date. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'taskFollowUpDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskFollowUpDateBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'taskFollowUpDateAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were started before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'startedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were started after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were finished before the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'finishedAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were finished after the given date. By [default](,\nthe date must have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ,\ne.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A task instance must have one of the given\ntenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic task instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'taskVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks that have variables with certain values. Variable filtering expressions are\ncomma-separated and are structured as follows:\n\nA valid parameter value has the formkey_operator_value.\nkeyis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used\nandvaluethe variable value.\n**Note:** Values are always treated asStringobjects on server side.\n\n\nValid operator values are:\n*eq- equal to;\n*neq- not equal to;\n*gt- greater than;\n*gteq- greater than or equal to;\n*lt- lower than;\n*lteq- lower than or equal to;\n*like.\n\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks that belong to process instances that have variables with certain\nvalues. Variable filtering expressions are comma-separated and are structured as\nfollows:\n\nA valid parameter value has the formkey_operator_value.\nkeyis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used\nandvaluethe variable value.\n**Note:** Values are always treated asStringobjects on server side.\n\n\nValid operator values are:\n*eq- equal to;\n*neq- not equal to;\n*gt- greater than;\n*gteq- greater than or equal to;\n*lt- lower than;\n*lteq- lower than or equal to;\n*like;\n*notLike.\n\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable name provided intaskVariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable value provided intaskVariablesandprocessVariablescase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'taskInvolvedUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given user.'}, 'taskInvolvedGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given group.'}, 'taskHadCandidateUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given candidate user.'}, 'taskHadCandidateGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks with a historic identity link to the given candidate group.'}, 'withCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricTaskInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested historic task instance queries with OR semantics.\n\nA task instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\n\nWith multiple nested queries, a task instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query\n([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll task instance query properties can be used except for:sorting,withCandidateGroups, withoutCandidateGroups.\n\nSee the [User Guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['taskId', 'activityInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processInstanceId', 'executionId', 'duration', 'endTime', 'startTime', 'taskName', 'taskDescription', 'assignee', 'owner', 'dueDate', 'followUpDate', 'deleteReason', 'taskDefinitionKey', 'priority', 'caseDefinitionId', 'caseInstanceId', 'caseExecutionId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricTaskInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryHistoricVariableInstances

Get Variable Instances (POST) Queries for historic variable instances that fulfill the given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Variable Instances method because it allows filtering by variable values of the different types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /history/variable-instance Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Variable Instance instance query which defines a list of Historic Variable Instance instances', 'properties': {'variableName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by variable name.'}, 'variableNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to variables with a name like the parameter.'}, 'variableValue': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Filter by variable value. May beString,NumberorBoolean.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable name provided invariableNameandvariableNameLikecase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable value provided invariableValuecase-insensitively. If set totrue\n**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableTypeIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': "Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated variable types. A list of all supported variable types can be found\n[here](\n**Note:** All non-primitive variables are associated with the type\n'serializable'."}, 'includeDeleted': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include variables that has already been deleted during the execution.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process instance the variable belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed process instance ids.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the variable belongs to.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by a key of the process definition the variable belongs to.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and execution ids.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the case instance the variable belongs to.'}, 'caseExecutionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and case execution ids.'}, 'caseActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and case activity ids.'}, 'taskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and task ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and activity instance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'variableName', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricVariableInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--deserialize-values / --not-deserialize-values boolean Determines whether serializable variable values (typically variables that
store custom Java objects) should be deserialized on server side (default

If set to true, a serializable variable will be deserialized on server side and transformed to JSON using Jackson's POJO/bean property introspection feature. Note that this requires the Java classes of the variable value to be on the REST API's classpath.

If set to false, a serializable variable will be returned in its serialized format. For example, a variable that is serialized as XML will be returned as a JSON string containing XML.

Note: While true is the default value for reasons of backward compatibility, we recommend setting this parameter to false when developing web applications that are independent of the Java process applications deployed to the engine. | None | | --max-results | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return. Will return less results if there are no more results left. | None | | --first-result | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. | None | | -oT, --output-template | text | provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. | None | | -o, --output | choice (template) | N/A | template | | --skip-validation | boolean | ignore validation | False | | -f, --file | filename | input as yaml | None | | --help | boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |

cctl apply queryHistoricVariableInstancesCount

Get Variable Instance Count (POST) Queries for historic variable instances that fulfill the given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Variable Instances (POST) method and therefore it is more powerful regarding variable values than the Get Variable Instance Count method. URL: /history/variable-instance/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Historic Variable Instance instance query which defines a list of Historic Variable Instance instances', 'properties': {'variableName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by variable name.'}, 'variableNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to variables with a name like the parameter.'}, 'variableValue': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Filter by variable value. May beString,NumberorBoolean.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable name provided invariableNameandvariableNameLikecase-\ninsensitively. If set totrue**variableName** and **variablename** are\ntreated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match the variable value provided invariableValuecase-insensitively. If set totrue\n**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableTypeIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': "Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated variable types. A list of all supported variable types can be found\n[here](\n**Note:** All non-primitive variables are associated with the type\n'serializable'."}, 'includeDeleted': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include variables that has already been deleted during the execution.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process instance the variable belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed process instance ids.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the variable belongs to.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by a key of the process definition the variable belongs to.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and execution ids.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the case instance the variable belongs to.'}, 'caseExecutionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and case execution ids.'}, 'caseActivityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and case activity ids.'}, 'taskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and task ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and activity instance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances which belong to one of the passed and comma-\nseparated tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include historic variable instances that belong to no tenant. Value may only be\ntrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'variableName', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryHistoricVariableInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryJobDefinitions

Get Job Definitions (POST) Queries for job definitions that fulfill given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Job Definitions method because it allows filtering by multiple job definitions of types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /job-definition Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Job definition query which defines a list of Job definitions', 'properties': {'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition id.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given process definition key.'}, 'jobType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given job type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor more information about job types.'}, 'jobConfiguration': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given job configuration. For example: for\ntimer jobs it is the timer configuration.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active job definitions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended job definitions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'withOverridingJobPriority': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions that have an overriding job priority defined. The only\neffective value istrue. If set tofalse, this filter is not applied.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to one of the passed tenant\nids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, as\nfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'includeJobDefinitionsWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include job definitions which belong to no tenant. Can be used in combination with\ntenantIdIn. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['jobDefinitionId', 'activityId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'jobType', 'jobConfiguration', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryJobDefinitions [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryJobDefinitionsCount

Get Job Definition Count (POST) Queries for the number of job definitions that fulfill given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Job Definitions (POST) method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Job Definition Count method. URL: /job-definition/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Job definition query which defines a list of Job definitions', 'properties': {'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job definition id.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to one of the passed activity ids.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given process definition id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given process definition key.'}, 'jobType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given job type. See the\n[User Guide](\nfor more information about job types.'}, 'jobConfiguration': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which exist for the given job configuration. For example: for\ntimer jobs it is the timer configuration.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active job definitions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended job definitions. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'withOverridingJobPriority': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions that have an overriding job priority defined. The only\neffective value istrue. If set tofalse, this filter is not applied.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to one of the passed tenant\nids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include job definitions which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, as\nfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'includeJobDefinitionsWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include job definitions which belong to no tenant. Can be used in combination with\ntenantIdIn. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['jobDefinitionId', 'activityId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'jobType', 'jobConfiguration', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryJobDefinitionsCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryJobs

Get Jobs (POST) Queries for jobs that fulfill given parameters. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Jobs method because it allows filtering by multiple jobs of types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /job Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Job instance query which defines a list of Job instances', 'properties': {'jobId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job id.'}, 'jobIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of job ids.'}, 'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given job definition.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given process instance.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given list of process instance ids.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given execution.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process definition the jobs run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the jobs run on.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for an activity with the given id.'}, 'withRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which have retries left. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'executable': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which are executable, i.e., retries > 0 and due date isnullor due\ndate is in the past. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'timers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that are timers. Cannot be used together withmessages. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'messages': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that are messages. Cannot be used together withtimers. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'dueDates': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobConditionQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs where the due date is lower or higher than the given date.\n'}, 'createTimes': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobConditionQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs created before or after the given date.\n'}, 'withException': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception. Value may only betrue, asfalseis\nthe default behavior.'}, 'exceptionMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception with the given message.'}, 'failedActivityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception at an activity with the given id.'}, 'noRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which have no retries left. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active jobs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended jobs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority lower than or equal to the given value. Value must be a\nvalidlongvalue.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority higher than or equal to the given value. Value must be a\nvalidlongvalue.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include jobs which belong to one of the passed tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'includeJobsWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include jobs which belong to no tenant. Can be used in combination withtenantIdIn.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Does not have an effect for thecountendpoint.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['jobId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'jobPriority', 'jobRetries', 'jobDueDate', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryJobs [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryJobsCount

Get Job Count (POST) Queries for jobs that fulfill given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Jobs POST method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Job Count method. URL: /job/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Job instance query which defines a list of Job instances', 'properties': {'jobId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by job id.'}, 'jobIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of job ids.'}, 'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given job definition.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given process instance.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given list of process instance ids.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for the given execution.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the id of the process definition the jobs run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the jobs run on.'}, 'activityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which exist for an activity with the given id.'}, 'withRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which have retries left. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'executable': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which are executable, i.e., retries > 0 and due date isnullor due\ndate is in the past. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.'}, 'timers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that are timers. Cannot be used together withmessages. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'messages': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that are messages. Cannot be used together withtimers. Value may only\nbetrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'dueDates': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobConditionQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs where the due date is lower or higher than the given date.\n'}, 'createTimes': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobConditionQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'Only select jobs created before or after the given date.\n'}, 'withException': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception. Value may only betrue, asfalseis\nthe default behavior.'}, 'exceptionMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception with the given message.'}, 'failedActivityId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs that failed due to an exception at an activity with the given id.'}, 'noRetriesLeft': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only select jobs which have no retries left. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active jobs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended jobs. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'priorityLowerThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority lower than or equal to the given value. Value must be a\nvalidlongvalue.'}, 'priorityHigherThanOrEquals': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs with a priority higher than or equal to the given value. Value must be a\nvalidlongvalue.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include jobs which belong to one of the passed tenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include jobs which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the\ndefault behavior.'}, 'includeJobsWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Include jobs which belong to no tenant. Can be used in combination withtenantIdIn.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n an object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. Does not have an effect for thecountendpoint.', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['jobId', 'executionId', 'processInstanceId', 'processDefinitionId', 'processDefinitionKey', 'jobPriority', 'jobRetries', 'jobDueDate', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryJobsCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryProcessInstances

Get List (POST) Queries for process instances that fulfill given parameters through a JSON object. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Instances method because it allows filtering by multiple process variables of types string, number or boolean. URL: /process-instance Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A process instance query which defines a group of process instances', 'properties': {'deploymentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the deployment the id belongs to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process definition keys.\nA process instance must have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Exclude instances by a list of process definition keys.\nA process instance must not have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'businessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case instance id.'}, 'superProcessInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given process instance.\nTakes a process instance id.'}, 'subProcessInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that have the given process instance as a sub process instance.\nTakes a process instance id.'}, 'superCaseInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance.\nTakes a case instance id.'}, 'subCaseInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that have the given case instance as a sub case instance.\nTakes a case instance id.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active process instances. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended process instances. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process instance ids. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'withIncident': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by presence of incidents. Selects only process instances that have an incident.'}, 'incidentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident id.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the User Guide for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A process instance must have one of the given tenant ids.\nMust be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which belong to no tenant.\nValue may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'processDefinitionWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which process definition has no tenant id.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of activity ids.\nA process instance must currently wait in a leaf activity with one of the given activity ids.'}, 'rootProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict the query to all process instances that are top level process instances.'}, 'leafProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict the query to all process instances that are leaf instances. (i.e. don't have any sub instances)"}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include process instances that have variables with certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operatorandvalue.\nname(String) is the variable name,\noperator(String) is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nThevaluemay be String, Number or Boolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names in this query case-insensitively.\nIf set to true variableName and variablename are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values in this query case-insensitively.\nIf set to true variableValue and variablevalue are treated as equal.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested process instance queries with OR semantics.\nA process instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\nWith multiple nested queries, a process instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query (Conjunctive Normal Form).\nAll process instance query properties can be used except for:sorting\nSee the [User guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionId', 'definitionKey', 'businessKey', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryProcessInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryProcessInstancesCount

Get List Count (POST) Queries for the number of process instances that fulfill the given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Instances (POST) method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Instance Count method. URL: /process-instance/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A process instance query which defines a group of process instances', 'properties': {'deploymentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the deployment the id belongs to.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the key of the process definition the instances run on.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process definition keys.\nA process instance must have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Exclude instances by a list of process definition keys.\nA process instance must not have one of the given process definition keys. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key.'}, 'businessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by process instance business key that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by case instance id.'}, 'superProcessInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given process instance.\nTakes a process instance id.'}, 'subProcessInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that have the given process instance as a sub process instance.\nTakes a process instance id.'}, 'superCaseInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that are sub process instances of the given case instance.\nTakes a case instance id.'}, 'subCaseInstance': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all process instances that have the given case instance as a sub case instance.\nTakes a case instance id.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include active process instances. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include suspended process instances. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of process instance ids. Must be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'withIncident': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by presence of incidents. Selects only process instances that have an incident.'}, 'incidentId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident id.'}, 'incidentType': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident type. See the User Guide for a list of incident types.'}, 'incidentMessage': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message. Exact match.'}, 'incidentMessageLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the incident message that the parameter is a substring of.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of tenant ids. A process instance must have one of the given tenant ids.\nMust be a JSON array of Strings.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which belong to no tenant.\nValue may only be true, as false is the default behavior.'}, 'processDefinitionWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include process instances which process definition has no tenant id.'}, 'activityIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Filter by a list of activity ids.\nA process instance must currently wait in a leaf activity with one of the given activity ids.'}, 'rootProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict the query to all process instances that are top level process instances.'}, 'leafProcessInstances': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict the query to all process instances that are leaf instances. (i.e. don't have any sub instances)"}, 'variables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include process instances that have variables with certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname,operatorandvalue.\nname(String) is the variable name,\noperator(String) is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nThevaluemay be String, Number or Boolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names in this query case-insensitively.\nIf set to true variableName and variablename are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values in this query case-insensitively.\nIf set to true variableValue and variablevalue are treated as equal.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested process instance queries with OR semantics.\nA process instance matches a nested query if it fulfills at least one of the query's predicates.\nWith multiple nested queries, a process instance must fulfill at least one predicate of each query (Conjunctive Normal Form).\nAll process instance query properties can be used except for:sorting\nSee the [User guide]( for more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'definitionId', 'definitionKey', 'businessKey', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryProcessInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply querySchemaLog

Get List (POST) Queries for schema log entries that fulfill given parameters. URL: /schema/log Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'version': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The version of the schema.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A JSON array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is\n a JSON object that specifies one ordering. The position in the array\n identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary,\n etc. ', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['timestamp'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply querySchemaLog [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryTasks

Get List (POST) Queries for tasks that fulfill a given filter. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Tasks method because it allows filtering by multiple process or task variables of types String, Number or Boolean. The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Task Count (POST) method.

Security Consideration: There are several parameters (such as assigneeExpression) for specifying an EL expression. These are disabled by default to prevent remote code execution. See the section on security considerations for custom code in the user guide for details. URL: /task Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Task query which defines a group of Tasks.', 'properties': {'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given id.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given ids.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given business key which \nis described by an expression. See the \n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with one of the give business keys. \nThe keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process instance business key that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process instance business key that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring and is described by an expression. See the\n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given key.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with one of the given keys. The \nkeys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given name.'}, 'processDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process definition name that has the parameter value as \na substring.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to an execution with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to case instances with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to case instances with the given business key.'}, 'caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a case instance business key that has the parameter value \nas a substring.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given id.'}, 'caseDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given key.'}, 'caseDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given name.'}, 'caseDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a case definition name that has the parameter value as a \nsubstring.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case execution with the given id.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed and comma-separated activity \ninstance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed and comma-separated \ntenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, \nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'assignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user is assigned to.'}, 'assigneeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the user described by the given expression is assigned to. See the\n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigneeLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have an assignee that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring.'}, 'assigneeLikeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have an assignee that has the parameter value described by the \ngiven expression as a substring. See the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigneeIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which are assigned to one of the passed and comma-separated user ids.'}, 'assigneeNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which are not assigned to one of the passed and comma-separated user ids.'}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user owns.'}, 'ownerExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the user described by the given expression owns. See the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'candidateGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the given group.'}, 'candidateGroupExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the group described by the given expression. \nSee the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'candidateUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the given user or to one of his groups.'}, 'candidateUserExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the user described by the given expression. \nSee the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'includeAssignedTasks': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Also include tasks that are assigned to users in candidate queries. Default is to only \ninclude tasks that are not assigned to any user if you query by candidate user or\ngroup(s).'}, 'involvedUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that the given user is involved in. A user is involved in a task if \nan identity link exists between task and user (e.g., the user is the assignee).'}, 'involvedUserExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that the user described by the given expression is involved in.\nA user is involved in a task if an identity link exists between task and user\n(e.g., the user is the assignee). See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are assigned.'}, 'unassigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are unassigned.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given key.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have one of the given keys. The keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a key that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given name.'}, 'nameNotEqual': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that do not have the given name.'}, 'nameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a name with the given parameter value as substring.'}, 'nameNotLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that do not have a name with the given parameter\nvalue as substring.'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given description.'}, 'descriptionLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a description that has the parameter\nvalue as a substring.'}, 'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given priority.'}, 'maxPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a lower or equal priority.'}, 'minPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a higher or equal priority.'}, 'dueDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due on the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.546+0200."}, 'dueDateExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due on the date described by the given expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'dueAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.435+0200."}, 'dueAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due after the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'dueBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.243+0200."}, 'dueBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due before the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'withoutDueDate': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no due date. Value may only betrue, \nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'followUpDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the given date. By\n[default](, the date\nmust have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.342+0200."}, 'followUpDateExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.542+0200."}, 'followUpAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpBefore': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.234+0200."}, 'followUpBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpBeforeOrNotExistent': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have no followUp date or a followUp date before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.432+0200. The typical use case\nis to query allactivetasks for a user for a given date."}, 'followUpBeforeOrNotExistentExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have no followUp date or a followUp date before the date\ndescribed by the given expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdOn': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created on the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.324+0200."}, 'createdOnExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created on the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must\nhave the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.342+0200."}, 'createdAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created after the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must\nhave the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.332+0200."}, 'createdBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created before the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'delegationState': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['PENDING', 'RESOLVED'], 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are in the given delegation state. Valid values are\nPENDINGandRESOLVED.'}, 'candidateGroups': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are offered to any of the given candidate groups. Takes a\ncomma-separated list of group names, so for example\ndevelopers,support,sales.'}, 'candidateGroupsExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are offered to any of the candidate groups described by the\ngiven expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to\njava.util.Listof Strings.'}, 'withCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withCandidateUsers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate user. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateUsers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate users. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include active tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalse\nis the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include suspended tasks. Value may only betrue, as\nfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'taskVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that have variables with certain values. The\narray consists of JSON objects with three propertiesname,operatorandvalue.\nnameis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used and\nvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of typeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that belong to a process instance with variables\nwith certain values. The array consists of JSON objects with three properties\nname,operatorandvalue.nameis the variable name,operatoris the\ncomparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of\ntypeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike;\nnotLike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'caseInstanceVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that belong to a case instance with variables\nwith certain values. The array consists of JSON objects with three properties\nname,operatorandvalue.nameis the variable name,operatoris the\ncomparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of\ntypeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Match all variable names in this query case-insensitively. If set\nvariableNameandvariablenameare treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Match all variable values in this query case-insensitively. If set\nvariableValueandvariablevalueare treated as equal.'}, 'parentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all tasks that are sub tasks of the given task. Takes a task id.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/TaskQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested task queries with OR semantics. A task matches a nested query if it fulfills\n*at least one* of the query's predicates. With multiple nested queries, a task must fulfill at least one predicate of *each* query ([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll task query properties can be used except for:sorting,withCandidateGroups,\nwithoutCandidateGroups,withCandidateUsers,withoutCandidateUsers\n\nSee the [User guide](\nfor more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'caseInstanceId', 'dueDate', 'executionId', 'caseExecutionId', 'assignee', 'created', 'description', 'id', 'name', 'nameCaseInsensitive', 'priority', 'processVariable', 'executionVariable', 'taskVariable', 'caseExecutionVariable', 'caseInstanceVariable'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}, 'parameters': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SortTaskQueryParametersDto'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryTasks [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--max-results text Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
Will return less results if there are no more results left. None
--first-result text Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryTasksCount

Get List Count (POST) Retrieves the number of tasks that fulfill the given filter. Corresponds to the size of the result set of the Get Tasks (POST) method and takes the same parameters.

Security Consideration: There are several parameters (such as assigneeExpression) for specifying an EL expression. These are disabled by default to prevent remote code execution. See the section on security considerations for custom code in the user guide for details. URL: /task/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A Task query which defines a group of Tasks.', 'properties': {'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given id.'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given ids.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given business key.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with the given business key which \nis described by an expression. See the \n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to process instances with one of the give business keys. \nThe keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process instance business key that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring.'}, 'processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process instance business key that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring and is described by an expression. See the\n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given id.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given key.'}, 'processDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with one of the given keys. The \nkeys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'processDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a process definition with the given name.'}, 'processDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a process definition name that has the parameter value as \na substring.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to an execution with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to case instances with the given id.'}, 'caseInstanceBusinessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to case instances with the given business key.'}, 'caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a case instance business key that has the parameter value \nas a substring.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given id.'}, 'caseDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given key.'}, 'caseDefinitionName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case definition with the given name.'}, 'caseDefinitionNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a case definition name that has the parameter value as a \nsubstring.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that belong to a case execution with the given id.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed and comma-separated activity \ninstance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to one of the passed and comma-separated \ntenant ids.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which belong to no tenant. Value may only betrue, \nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'assignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user is assigned to.'}, 'assigneeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the user described by the given expression is assigned to. See the\n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigneeLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have an assignee that has the parameter \nvalue as a substring.'}, 'assigneeLikeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have an assignee that has the parameter value described by the \ngiven expression as a substring. See the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigneeIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which are assigned to one of the passed and comma-separated user ids.'}, 'assigneeNotIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include tasks which are not assigned to one of the passed and comma-separated user ids.'}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the given user owns.'}, 'ownerExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that the user described by the given expression owns. See the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'candidateGroup': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the given group.'}, 'candidateGroupExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the group described by the given expression. \nSee the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'candidateUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the given user or to one of his groups.'}, 'candidateUserExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that are offered to the user described by the given expression. \nSee the \n[user guide]( \nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'includeAssignedTasks': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Also include tasks that are assigned to users in candidate queries. Default is to only \ninclude tasks that are not assigned to any user if you query by candidate user or\ngroup(s).'}, 'involvedUser': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that the given user is involved in. A user is involved in a task if \nan identity link exists between task and user (e.g., the user is the assignee).'}, 'involvedUserExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only include tasks that the user described by the given expression is involved in.\nA user is involved in a task if an identity link exists between task and user\n(e.g., the user is the assignee). See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions.'}, 'assigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are assigned.'}, 'unassigned': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'If set totrue, restricts the query to all tasks that are unassigned.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given key.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have one of the given keys. The keys need to be in a comma-separated list.'}, 'taskDefinitionKeyLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a key that has the parameter value as a substring.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given name.'}, 'nameNotEqual': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that do not have the given name.'}, 'nameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a name with the given parameter value as substring.'}, 'nameNotLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that do not have a name with the given parameter\nvalue as substring.'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given description.'}, 'descriptionLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a description that has the parameter\nvalue as a substring.'}, 'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have the given priority.'}, 'maxPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a lower or equal priority.'}, 'minPriority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a higher or equal priority.'}, 'dueDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due on the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have the format\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.546+0200."}, 'dueDateExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due on the date described by the given expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'dueAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.435+0200."}, 'dueAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due after the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'dueBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that are due before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.243+0200."}, 'dueBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are due before the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'withoutDueDate': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no due date. Value may only betrue, \nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'followUpDate': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the given date. By\n[default](, the date\nmust have the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.342+0200."}, 'followUpDateExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date on the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.542+0200."}, 'followUpAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date after the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpBefore': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.234+0200."}, 'followUpBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have a followUp date before the date described by the given\nexpression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'followUpBeforeOrNotExistent': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that have no followUp date or a followUp date before the given date.\nBy [default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.432+0200. The typical use case\nis to query allactivetasks for a user for a given date."}, 'followUpBeforeOrNotExistentExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that have no followUp date or a followUp date before the date\ndescribed by the given expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdOn': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created on the given date. By\n[default](, the date must have\nthe formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.324+0200."}, 'createdOnExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created on the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdAfter': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created after the given date. By\n[default](, the date must\nhave the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.342+0200."}, 'createdAfterExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created after the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'createdBefore': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "Restrict to tasks that were created before the given date. By\n[default](, the date must\nhave the formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.332+0200."}, 'createdBeforeExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that were created before the date described by the given expression.\nSee the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to a\njava.util.Dateororg.joda.time.DateTimeobject.'}, 'delegationState': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['PENDING', 'RESOLVED'], 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are in the given delegation state. Valid values are\nPENDINGandRESOLVED.'}, 'candidateGroups': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are offered to any of the given candidate groups. Takes a\ncomma-separated list of group names, so for example\ndevelopers,support,sales.'}, 'candidateGroupsExpression': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict to tasks that are offered to any of the candidate groups described by the\ngiven expression. See the\n[user guide](\nfor more information on available functions. The expression must evaluate to\njava.util.Listof Strings.'}, 'withCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateGroups': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate group. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withCandidateUsers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have a candidate user. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'withoutCandidateUsers': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include tasks which have no candidate users. Value may only betrue,\nasfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'active': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include active tasks. Value may only betrue, asfalse\nis the default behavior.'}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Only include suspended tasks. Value may only betrue, as\nfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'taskVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that have variables with certain values. The\narray consists of JSON objects with three propertiesname,operatorandvalue.\nnameis the variable name,operatoris the comparison operator to be used and\nvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of typeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'processVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that belong to a process instance with variables\nwith certain values. The array consists of JSON objects with three properties\nname,operatorandvalue.nameis the variable name,operatoris the\ncomparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of\ntypeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike;\nnotLike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'caseInstanceVariables': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON array to only include tasks that belong to a case instance with variables\nwith certain values. The array consists of JSON objects with three properties\nname,operatorandvalue.nameis the variable name,operatoris the\ncomparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.valuemay be of\ntypeString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValidoperatorvalues are:\neq- equal to;\nneq- not equal to;\ngt- greater than;\ngteq- greater than or equal to;\nlt- lower than;\nlteq- lower than or equal to;\nlike.\nkeyandvaluemay not contain underscore or comma characters.'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Match all variable names in this query case-insensitively. If set\nvariableNameandvariablenameare treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Match all variable values in this query case-insensitively. If set\nvariableValueandvariablevalueare treated as equal.'}, 'parentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Restrict query to all tasks that are sub tasks of the given task. Takes a task id.'}, 'orQueries': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/TaskQueryDto'}, 'description': "A JSON array of nested task queries with OR semantics. A task matches a nested query if it fulfills\n*at least one* of the query's predicates. With multiple nested queries, a task must fulfill at least one predicate of *each* query ([Conjunctive Normal Form](\n\nAll task query properties can be used except for:sorting,withCandidateGroups,\nwithoutCandidateGroups,withCandidateUsers,withoutCandidateUsers\n\nSee the [User guide](\nfor more information about OR queries."}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Apply sorting of the result', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['instanceId', 'caseInstanceId', 'dueDate', 'executionId', 'caseExecutionId', 'assignee', 'created', 'description', 'id', 'name', 'nameCaseInsensitive', 'priority', 'processVariable', 'executionVariable', 'taskVariable', 'caseExecutionVariable', 'caseInstanceVariable'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}, 'parameters': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SortTaskQueryParametersDto'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryTasksCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply queryVariableInstances

Get Variable Instances (POST) Query for variable instances that fulfill given parameters through a JSON object. This method is slightly more powerful than the Get Variable Instances method because it allows filtering by multiple variable instances of types String, Number or Boolean. URL: /variable-instance Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A variable instance query which defines a list of variable instances', 'properties': {'variableName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by variable instance name.'}, 'variableNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the variable instance name. The parameter can include the wildcard%to\nexpress like-strategy such as: starts with (%name), ends with (name%) or\ncontains (%name%).'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nprocess instance ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nexecution ids.'}, 'caseInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed case instance ids.'}, 'caseExecutionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed case execution ids.'}, 'taskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed task\nids.'}, 'batchIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nbatch ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nactivity instance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \ntenant ids.'}, 'variableValues': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include variable instances that have the certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname, (String)is the\nvariable name,operator (String)is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;gteq- greater\nthan or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided invariableValuescase-insensitively. If set totrue\n**variableName** and **variablename** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided invariableValuescase-insensitively. If set to\ntrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableScopeIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of passed scope ids.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is an object that specifies one ordering.\n The position in the array identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary, etc.\n Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['variableName', 'variableType', 'activityInstanceId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryVariableInstances [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--deserialize-values / --not-deserialize-values boolean Determines whether serializable variable values (typically variables that
store custom Java objects) should be deserialized on server side (default

If set to true, a serializable variable will be deserialized on server side and transformed to JSON using Jackson's POJO/bean property introspection feature. Note that this requires the Java classes of the variable value to be on the REST API's classpath.

If set to false, a serializable variable will be returned in its serialized format. For example, a variable that is serialized as XML will be returned as a JSON string containing XML.

Note: While true is the default value for reasons of backward compatibility, we recommend setting this parameter to false when developing web applications that are independent of the Java process applications deployed to the engine. | None | | --max-results | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return. Will return less results if there are no more results left. | None | | --first-result | text | Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. | None | | -oT, --output-template | text | provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. | None | | -o, --output | choice (template) | N/A | template | | --skip-validation | boolean | ignore validation | False | | -f, --file | filename | input as yaml | None | | --help | boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |

cctl apply queryVariableInstancesCount

Get Variable Instance Count (POST) Query for the number of variable instances that fulfill given parameters. This method takes the same message body as the Get Variable Instances POST method and therefore it is slightly more powerful than the Get Variable Instance Count method. URL: /variable-instance/count Schema: {'type': 'object', 'description': 'A variable instance query which defines a list of variable instances', 'properties': {'variableName': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by variable instance name.'}, 'variableNameLike': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Filter by the variable instance name. The parameter can include the wildcard%to\nexpress like-strategy such as: starts with (%name), ends with (name%) or\ncontains (%name%).'}, 'processInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nprocess instance ids.'}, 'executionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nexecution ids.'}, 'caseInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed case instance ids.'}, 'caseExecutionIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed case execution ids.'}, 'taskIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed task\nids.'}, 'batchIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nbatch ids.'}, 'activityInstanceIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \nactivity instance ids.'}, 'tenantIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of the passed \ntenant ids.'}, 'variableValues': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableQueryParameterDto'}, 'description': 'An array to only include variable instances that have the certain values.\nThe array consists of objects with the three propertiesname, (String)is the\nvariable name,operator (String)is the comparison operator to be used andvaluethe variable value.\nvaluemay beString,NumberorBoolean.\n\nValid operator values are:eq- equal to;neq- not equal to;gt- greater than;gteq- greater\nthan or equal to;lt- lower than;lteq- lower than or equal to;like'}, 'variableNamesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable names provided invariableValuescase-insensitively. If set totrue\n**variableName** and **variablename** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableValuesIgnoreCase': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Match all variable values provided invariableValuescase-insensitively. If set to\ntrue**variableValue** and **variablevalue** are treated as equal.'}, 'variableScopeIdIn': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'Only include variable instances which belong to one of passed scope ids.'}, 'sorting': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'An array of criteria to sort the result by. Each element of the array is an object that specifies one ordering.\n The position in the array identifies the rank of an ordering, i.e., whether it is primary, secondary, etc.\n Sorting has no effect forcountendpoints', 'items': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sortBy': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['variableName', 'variableType', 'activityInstanceId', 'tenantId'], 'description': 'Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion.\nMust be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.'}, 'sortOrder': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['asc', 'desc'], 'description': 'Sort the results in a given order. Values may beascfor ascending order ordescfor\ndescending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.'}}}}}}


cctl apply queryVariableInstancesCount [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply recalculateDuedate

Recalculate Job Due Date Recalculates the due date of a job by id. URL: /job/{id}/duedate/recalculate Schema: -


cctl apply recalculateDuedate [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
--creation-date-based / --not-creation-date-based boolean Recalculate the due date based on the creation date of the job or the current date.
Value may only be false, as true is the default behavior. None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply redeploy

Redeploy Re-deploys an existing deployment.

The deployment resources to re-deploy can be restricted by using the properties resourceIds or resourceNames. If no deployment resources to re-deploy are passed then all existing resources of the given deployment are re-deployed.

Warning: Deployments can contain custom code in form of scripts or EL expressions to customize process behavior. This may be abused for remote execution of arbitrary code. See the section on security considerations for custom code in the user guide for details. URL: /deployment/{id}/redeploy Schema: {'title': 'RedeploymentDto', 'type': 'object', 'description': 'A JSON object with the following properties:', 'properties': {'resourceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of deployment resource ids to re-deploy.'}, 'resourceNames': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of deployment resource names to re-deploy.'}, 'source': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Sets the source of the deployment.'}}}


cctl apply redeploy [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply removalTimeAsync

Set Removal Time Async (POST) Sets the removal time to multiple historic process instances asynchronously (batch).

At least historicProcessInstanceIds or historicProcessInstanceQuery has to be provided. If both are provided, all instances matching query criterion and instances from the list will be updated with a removal time. URL: /history/process-instance/set-removal-time Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historicProcessInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The id of the process instance.'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'hierarchical': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Sets the removal time to all historic process instances in the hierarchy.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AbstractSetRemovalTimeDto'}]}


cctl apply removalTimeAsync [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply removalTimeAsyncHistoricBatch

Set Removal Time Async (POST) Sets the removal time to multiple historic batches asynchronously (batch).

At least historicBatchIds or historicBatchQuery has to be provided. If both are provided, all instances matching query criterion and instances from the list will be updated with a removal time. URL: /history/batch/set-removal-time Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'historicBatchQuery': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Query for the historic batches to set the removal time for.'}, 'historicBatchIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of the historic batches to set the removal time for.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AbstractSetRemovalTimeDto'}]}


cctl apply removalTimeAsyncHistoricBatch [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply removalTimeAsyncHistoricDecisionInstance

Set Removal Time Async (POST) Sets the removal time to multiple historic decision instances asynchronously (batch).

At least historicDecisionInstanceIds or historicDecisionInstanceQuery has to be provided. If both are provided, all instances matching query criterion and instances from the list will be updated with a removal time. URL: /history/decision-instance/set-removal-time Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'hierarchical': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Sets the removal time to all historic decision instances in the hierarchy.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior.'}, 'historicDecisionInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricDecisionInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicDecisionInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'The ids of the historic decision instances to set the removal time for.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/AbstractSetRemovalTimeDto'}]}


cctl apply removalTimeAsyncHistoricDecisionInstance [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply resolve

Resolve Resolves a task and updates execution variables.

Resolving a task marks that the assignee is done with the task delegated to them, and that it can be sent back to the owner. Can only be executed when the task has been delegated. The assignee will be set to the owner, who performed the delegation. URL: /task/{id}/resolve Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': "Indicates whether the response should contain the process variables or not. The\ndefault isfalsewith a response code of204. If set totruethe response\ncontains the process variables and has a response code of200. If the task is not\nassociated with a process instance (e.g. if it's part of a case instance) no\nvariables will be returned."}}}


cctl apply resolve [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply restartProcessInstance

Restart Process Instance Restarts process instances that were canceled or terminated synchronously. Can also restart completed process instances. It will create a new instance using the original instance information. To execute the restart asynchronously, use the Restart Process Instance Async method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution, please refer to the related section of the User Guide. URL: /process-definition/{id}/restart Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to restart.'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started as part of this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of\n[input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started as part of this request.'}, 'initialVariables': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Set the initial set of variables during restart. By default, the last set of variables is used.'}, 'withoutBusinessKey': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Do not take over the business key of the historic process instance.'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/RestartProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': '**Optional**. A JSON array of instructions that specify which activities to start the process instance at.\nIf this property is omitted, the process instance starts at its default blank start event.'}}}


cctl apply restartProcessInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply restartProcessInstanceAsyncOperation

Restart Process Instance Async Restarts process instances that were canceled or terminated asynchronously. Can also restart completed process instances. It will create a new instance using the original instance information. To execute the restart asynchronously, use the Restart Process Instance method.

For more information about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution, please refer to the related section of the User Guide. URL: /process-definition/{id}/restart-async Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to restart.'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started as part of this request.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of\n[input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started as part of this request.'}, 'initialVariables': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Set the initial set of variables during restart. By default, the last set of variables is used.'}, 'withoutBusinessKey': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Do not take over the business key of the historic process instance.'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/RestartProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': '**Optional**. A JSON array of instructions that specify which activities to start the process instance at.\nIf this property is omitted, the process instance starts at its default blank start event.'}}}


cctl apply restartProcessInstanceAsyncOperation [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply retriesByProcess

Set Job Retries Async (POST) Create a batch to set retries of jobs associated with given processes asynchronously. URL: /process-instance/job-retries Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstances': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to fetch jobs, for which retries will be set.'}, 'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'An integer representing the number of retries. Please note that the value cannot be negative or null.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply retriesByProcess [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply retriesByProcessHistoricQueryBased

Set Job Retries Async Historic Query Based (POST) Create a batch to set retries of jobs asynchronously based on a historic process instance query. URL: /process-instance/job-retries-historic-query-based Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstances': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids to fetch jobs, for which retries will be set.'}, 'retries': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'minimum': 0, 'description': 'An integer representing the number of retries. Please note that the value cannot be negative or null.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}


cctl apply retriesByProcessHistoricQueryBased [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply signalExecution

Trigger Execution Signals an execution by id. Can for example be used to explicitly skip user tasks or signal asynchronous continuations. URL: /execution/{id}/signal Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and\neach value a JSON variable value object.'}}}


cctl apply signalExecution [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply startProcessInstance

Start Instance Instantiates a given process definition. Process variables and business key may be supplied in the request body. URL: /process-definition/{id}/start Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key of the process instance.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The case instance id the process instance is to be initialized with.'}, 'startInstructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': '**Optional**. A JSON array of instructions that specify which activities to start the process instance at.\nIf this property is omitted, the process instance starts at its default blank start event.'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of\n[input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Indicates if the variables, which was used by the process instance during execution, should be returned.\nDefault value:false'}}}


cctl apply startProcessInstance [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply startProcessInstanceByKey

Start Instance Instantiates a given process definition, starts the latest version of the process definition which belongs to no tenant. Process variables and business key may be supplied in the request body. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/start Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key of the process instance.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The case instance id the process instance is to be initialized with.'}, 'startInstructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': '**Optional**. A JSON array of instructions that specify which activities to start the process instance at.\nIf this property is omitted, the process instance starts at its default blank start event.'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of\n[input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Indicates if the variables, which was used by the process instance during execution, should be returned.\nDefault value:false'}}}


cctl apply startProcessInstanceByKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply startProcessInstanceByKeyAndTenantId

Start Instance Instantiates a given process definition, starts the latest version of the process definition for tenant. Process variables and business key may be supplied in the request body. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/start Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key of the process instance.'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The case instance id the process instance is to be initialized with.'}, 'startInstructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceModificationInstructionDto'}, 'description': '**Optional**. A JSON array of instructions that specify which activities to start the process instance at.\nIf this property is omitted, the process instance starts at its default blank start event.'}, 'skipCustomListeners': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution listener invocation for activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'skipIoMappings': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Skip execution of\n[input/output variable mappings](\nfor activities that are started or ended as part of this request.\n**Note**: This option is currently only respected when start instructions are submitted\nvia thestartInstructionsproperty.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Indicates if the variables, which was used by the process instance during execution, should be returned.\nDefault value:false'}}}


cctl apply startProcessInstanceByKeyAndTenantId [OPTIONS] TENANT_ID KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply submit

Submit Form Completes a task and updates process variables using a form submit. There are two difference between this method and the complete method:

  • If the task is in state PENDING - i.e., has been delegated before, it is not completed but resolved. Otherwise it will be completed.
  • If the task has Form Field Metadata defined, the process engine will perform backend validation for any form fields which have validators defined. See the Generated Task Forms section of the User Guide for more information. URL: /task/{id}/submit-form Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs.'}, 'withVariablesInReturn': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'default': False, 'description': "Indicates whether the response should contain the process variables or not. The\ndefault isfalsewith a response code of204. If set totruethe response\ncontains the process variables and has a response code of200. If the task is not\nassociated with a process instance (e.g. if it's part of a case instance) no\nvariables will be returned."}}}


cctl apply submit [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply submitForm

Submit Start Form Starts a process instance using a set of process variables and the business key. If the start event has Form Field Metadata defined, the process engine will perform backend validation for any form fields which have validators defined. See Documentation on Generated Task Forms. URL: /process-definition/{id}/submit-form Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key the process instance is to be initialized with.\nThe business key uniquely identifies the process instance in the context of the given process definition.'}}}


cctl apply submitForm [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply submitFormByKey

Submit Start Form Starts the latest version of the process definition which belongs to no tenant using a set of process variables and the business key. If the start event has Form Field Metadata defined, the process engine will perform backend validation for any form fields which have validators defined. See Documentation on Generated Task Forms. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/submit-form Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key the process instance is to be initialized with.\nThe business key uniquely identifies the process instance in the context of the given process definition.'}}}


cctl apply submitFormByKey [OPTIONS] KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply submitFormByKeyAndTenantId

Submit Start Form Starts the latest version of the process definition for a tenant using a set of process variables and the business key. If the start event has Form Field Metadata defined, the process engine will perform backend validation for any form fields which have validators defined. See Documentation on Generated Task Forms. URL: /process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/submit-form Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': ''}, 'businessKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The business key the process instance is to be initialized with.\nThe business key uniquely identifies the process instance in the context of the given process definition.'}}}


cctl apply submitFormByKeyAndTenantId [OPTIONS] TENANT_ID KEY


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionState

Activate/Suspend In Group Activates or suspends process instances by providing certain criteria:

Activate/Suspend Process Instance By Process Definition Id

  • suspend
  • processDefinitionId

Activate/Suspend Process Instance By Process Definition Key

  • suspend
  • processDefinitionKey
  • processDefinitionTenantId
  • processDefinitionWithoutTenantId

Activate/Suspend Process Instance In Group

  • suspend
  • processInstanceIds
  • processInstanceQuery
  • historicProcessInstanceQuery URL: /process-instance/suspended Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition id of the process instances to activate or suspend.\n\n**Note**: This parameter can be used only with combination ofsuspended.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition key of the process instances to activate or suspend.\n\n**Note**: This parameter can be used only with combination ofsuspended,processDefinitionTenantId, andprocessDefinitionWithoutTenantId.'}, 'processDefinitionTenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend process instances of a process definition which belongs to a tenant with the given id.\n\n**Note**: This parameter can be used only with combination ofsuspended,processDefinitionKey, andprocessDefinitionWithoutTenantId.'}, 'processDefinitionWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend process instances of a process definition which belongs to no tenant.\nValue may only be true, as false is the default behavior.\n\n**Note**: This parameter can be used only with combination ofsuspended,processDefinitionKey, andprocessDefinitionTenantId.'}, 'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids which defines a group of process instances\nwhich will be activated or suspended by the operation.\n\n**Note**: This parameter can be used only with combination ofsuspended,processInstanceQuery, andhistoricProcessInstanceQuery.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SuspensionStateDto'}]}


cctl apply suspensionState [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionStateAsyncOperation

Activate/Suspend In Batch Activates or suspends process instances asynchronously with a list of process instance ids, a process instance query, and/or a historical process instance query. URL: /process-instance/suspended-async Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids which defines a group of process instances\nwhich will be activated or suspended by the operation.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SuspensionStateDto'}]}


cctl apply suspensionStateAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionStateBy

Activate/Suspend Jobs Activates or suspends jobs matching the given criterion. This can only be on of: * jobDefinitionId * processDefinitionId * processInstanceId * processDefinitionKey URL: /job/suspended Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'description': 'Defines by which selection criterion to activate or suspend jobs.\nThis selection criterion are mutually exclusive and can only be on of:\n*jobDefinitionId\n*processDefinitionId\n*processInstanceId\n*processDefinitionKey', 'properties': {'jobDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The job definition id of the jobs to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition id of the jobs to activate or suspend.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process instance id of the jobs to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition key of the jobs to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionTenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend jobs of a process definition which belongs to a tenant\nwith the given id. Works only when selecting withprocessDefinitionKey.'}, 'processDefinitionWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend jobs of a process definition which belongs to no tenant.\nValue may only betrue, asfalseis the default behavior. Works only when selecting withprocessDefinitionKey.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SuspensionStateDto'}]}


cctl apply suspensionStateBy [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionStateById

Activate/Suspend Process Instance By Id Activates or suspends a given process instance by id. URL: /process-instance/{id}/suspended Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A Boolean value which indicates whether to activate or suspend a given instance \n(e.g. process instance, job, job definition, or batch). When the value is set to true, \nthe given instance will be suspended and when the value is set to false, \nthe given instance will be activated.'}}}


cctl apply suspensionStateById [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionStateJobDefinition

Activate/Suspend Job Definition By Id Activates or suspends a given job definition by id. URL: /job-definition/{id}/suspended Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'includeJobs': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'ABooleanvalue which indicates whether to activate or suspend also all jobs of\nthe referenced job definitions. When the value is set totrue, all jobs\nof the provided job definitions will be activated or suspended and\nwhen the value is set tofalse, the suspension state of all jobs\nof the provided job definitions will not be updated.'}, 'executionDate': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date on which the referenced job definitions will be activated or suspended. If null,\nthe suspension state of the given job definitions is updated\nimmediately. By [default](, the date must have the formatyyyy-MM-\ndd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g.,2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200."}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/SuspensionStateDto'}]}


cctl apply suspensionStateJobDefinition [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply suspensionStateJobDefinitions

Activate/Suspend Job Definitions Activates or suspends job definitions with the given process definition id or process definition key. URL: /job-definition/suspended Schema: {'allOf': [{'type': 'object', 'description': 'Defines by which selection criterion to activate or suspend job definitions.\nThe selection criteria are mutually exclusive and can only be one of:\n*processDefinitionId\n*processDefinitionKey', 'properties': {'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition id of the job definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The process definition key of the job definitions to activate or suspend.'}, 'processDefinitionTenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend job definitions of a process definition which belongs to a\ntenant with the given id.\n\nNote that this parameter will only be considered \nin combination withprocessDefinitionKey.'}, 'processDefinitionWithoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Only activate or suspend job definitions of a process definition which belongs to\nno tenant. Value may only betrue, asfalseis the default\nbehavior.\n\nNote that this parameter will only be considered \nin combination withprocessDefinitionKey.'}}}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/JobDefinitionSuspensionStateDto'}]}


cctl apply suspensionStateJobDefinitions [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply task

Update Updates a task. URL: /task/{id} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The task id.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The task name.'}, 'assignee': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The assignee's id."}, 'owner': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The owner's id."}, 'created': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The date the task was created on.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'due': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's due date.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'followUp': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The follow-up date for the task.\n[Default format](\nyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ."}, 'delegationState': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'enum': ['PENDING', 'RESOLVED'], 'description': "The task's delegation state. Possible values arePENDINGandRESOLVED."}, 'description': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's description."}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the execution the task belongs to.'}, 'parentTaskId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id the parent task, if this task is a subtask.'}, 'priority': {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's priority."}, 'processDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process definition the task belongs to.'}, 'processInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the process instance the task belongs to.'}, 'caseExecutionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case execution the task belongs to.'}, 'caseDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case definition the task belongs to.'}, 'caseInstanceId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the case instance the task belongs to.'}, 'taskDefinitionKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': "The task's key."}, 'suspended': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Whether the task belongs to a process instance that is suspended.'}, 'formKey': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If notnull, the form key for the task.'}, 'camundaFormRef': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/CamundaFormRef'}, 'description': 'A reference to a specific version of a Camunda Form.'}, 'tenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If notnull, the tenant id of the task.'}}}


cctl apply task [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply tenant

Update Tenant Updates a given tenant. URL: /tenant/{id} Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the tenant.'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The name of the tenant.'}}}


cctl apply tenant [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply throwSignal

Event A signal is an event of global scope (broadcast semantics) and is delivered to all active handlers. Internally this maps to the engine's signal event received builder method RuntimeService#createSignalEvent(). For more information about the signal behavior, see the Signal Events section of the BPMN 2.0 Implementation Reference. URL: /signal Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name of the signal to deliver.\n\n**Note**: This property is mandatory.'}, 'executionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Optionally specifies a single execution which is notified by the signal.\n\n**Note**: If no execution id is defined the signal is broadcasted to all subscribed\nhandlers. '}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and\neach value a JSON variable value object.'}, 'tenantId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'Specifies a tenant to deliver the signal. The signal can only be received on\nexecutions or process definitions which belongs to the given tenant.\n\n**Note**: Cannot be used in combination with executionId.'}, 'withoutTenantId': {'type': 'boolean', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'If true the signal can only be received on executions or process definitions which\nbelongs to no tenant. Value may not be false as this is the default behavior.\n\n**Note**: Cannot be used in combination withexecutionId.'}}}


cctl apply throwSignal [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply triggerEvent

Trigger Message Event Subscription Delivers a message to a specific execution by id, to trigger an existing message event subscription. Inject process variables as the message's payload. URL: /execution/{id}/messageSubscriptions/{messageName}/trigger Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and\neach value a JSON variable value object.'}}}


cctl apply triggerEvent [OPTIONS] MESSAGENAME ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply unclaim

Unclaim Resets a task's assignee. If successful, the task is not assigned to a user. URL: /task/{id}/unclaim Schema: -


cctl apply unclaim [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply unlock

Unlock Unlocks an external task by id. Clears the task's lock expiration time and worker id. URL: /external-task/{id}/unlock Schema: -


cctl apply unlock [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply unlockUser

Unlock User Unlocks a user by id. URL: /user/{id}/unlock Schema: -


cctl apply unlockUser [OPTIONS] ID


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply validateMigrationPlan

Validate Migration Plan Validates a migration plan statically without executing it. This corresponds to the creation time validation described in the user guide. URL: /migration/validate Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'sourceProcessDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the source process definition for the migration.'}, 'targetProcessDefinitionId': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The id of the target process definition for the migration.'}, 'instructions': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/MigrationInstructionDto'}, 'description': 'A list of migration instructions which map equal activities. Each\nmigration instruction is a JSON object with the following properties:'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': "A map of variables which will be set into the process instances' scope.\nEach key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object."}}}


cctl apply validateMigrationPlan [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply variablesAsyncOperation

Set Variables Async (POST) Update or create runtime process variables in the root scope of process instances. URL: /process-instance/variables-async Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'processInstanceIds': {'type': 'array', 'nullable': True, 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'A list of process instance ids that define a group of process instances\nto which the operation will set variables.\n\nPlease note that ifprocessInstanceIds,processInstanceQueryandhistoricProcessInstanceQuery\nare defined, the resulting operation will be performed on the union of these sets.'}, 'processInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/ProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'historicProcessInstanceQuery': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/HistoricProcessInstanceQueryDto'}, 'variables': {'type': 'object', 'nullable': True, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/VariableValueDto'}, 'description': 'A variables the operation will set in the root scope of the process instances.'}}}


cctl apply variablesAsyncOperation [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

cctl apply verifyUser

Verify User Verifies that user credentials are valid. URL: /identity/verify Schema: {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'username': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'The username of a user.'}, 'password': {'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'description': 'A password of a user.'}}}


cctl apply verifyUser [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--traceback boolean do not hide traceback on error False
--query-extra text extra query parameters, not listed in openapi (format: PARAM=VALUE) None
-oT, --output-template text provide a template name (one of default, result-length) or provide a jinja2 template string that will be used. None
-o, --output choice (template) N/A template
--skip-validation boolean ignore validation False
-f, --file filename input as yaml None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False